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On Communities of State (A treatise)


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Introduction: Significance of Diplomacy


Chapter I: Understanding yourselves
Chapter Ia: What is in the people’s interest?
Chapter 1b: What is needed to achieve the duty?

Chapter 2: Understanding your neighbors
Chapter 2a: Universal load and lack

Chapter 3: Manifesting the superior world 
Chapter 3a: Observing prosperity
Chapter 3b: Defeat of the worse, triumph of better





[ Dedication: In loving memory of Her Late Majesty Sybil I @HIGH_FIRE ]

The following is a fundamental, conceptual examination of Diplomacy as an act; dedicated in part, to Her late Majesty, Sybil I, mother to the Balianite crown.



        There exists today, a sorry state of relationships between the nations of this world under the 7-skies. It is as if some think their own States capable enough to fulfill all necessities through self-isolated coordination. I speak a curse of all plagues to this myth; for since no man himself is able to complete every task required for the maintenance of his own life, then it should not be argued that States (composed of these men) possess in themselves those things which are completely necessary for the continuance of political success.
        As is seen through the observation of lives; those belonging to the primitive and base, are the only exception. These folk are able to fulfill each necessary component of their sustenance. This however is not due to an inherent capacity of productivity, but instead credited to the fact that their lives require no complex procedures. A man who lives alone, dies alone. This is the basis of civilization; where the Smiths gather to make the people’s tools, the Merchants gather to guarantee the nation’s wealth, and the parents gather to give loving chastisement to their children - who are the future. Through this complicated process, we descendants eschew our beastial nature, and adopt the duties of rendering the prosperity of a new collective. Therein is the creation of the State.
        Given that the composition of this State is founded upon the relationships between the people above all else, we cannot rightfully say that one possesses a virtuous composition, if there exists a definitive lack of key relationships inherently beneficial to the populace. When the vice of ignorance takes hold of a community, there begins mismanagement, and disordered priorities. In the same way, Sovereignties and elected councils leading the State must not lose hold of their people’s relation to the collective of citizens in their surroundings, lest they forget themselves as cooperatives in the larger world upon which God has ordained our residence.


[Chapter I: Understanding yourselves]

Chapter Ia: What is in the people’s interest?
        It is not the mere desires of the people which are to be most heeded by the collective spirit, which is embodied upon the head of Sovereignty. It is neither the particular circumstance, nor the unfounded fears that the civilization holds; but only that which is in the interest of the people - that which sees them more prosperous, and more able to encourage a higher quality of being, both locally and globally.
        This piece is not intended to be a list of these interests; for they will be different according to the time and the place, even to the competence of each particular community to assess its own priorities. What I assert about the substance of the matter, is that the well ordered state will be seen to act in ways which solidify the betterment of the people’s condition. Those which find their circumstances continually made worse by ill-formed and ignorant decisions, ought to question the operations of the Sovereignty; since the former is the utmost duty of leaders, whereas the latter defines corruption.


Chapter 1b: What is needed to achieve the duty?
        As was discussed, the solution to a man in singularity, is a man in community. (Com - Unity: this means ‘with’ ‘oneness’, exemplified by the singular Holy Spirit which descends upon us by the grace of God. Community then, can be appropriately defined as ‘existing together, with THE ONE who inspires our betterment’). Following from this, it must be concluded that States, composed of man, must be made better by engaging in efforts of cooperation. This is the essence of Diplomacy, the life blood of history.
        The base and primitive man aforementioned, believed himself to be as prosperous as was necessary, as do many of our generation. The fallacy in this, is that the primitive, when met with sickness, had none to heal him, when met with bandits, had none to defend with him, and when met with death by any other means, had none to honor the memory of his deeds. The same man moving within his proper community, not only gains the security of these things, but is also able to manifest a superior state of life, both for him, and for all with whom he interacted. How then, can an isolated state affect a better world, without the cooperation within a larger community of others, intent upon the same goal?


[Chapter 2: Understanding your neighbors]
Chapter 2a: Universal load and lack
        In order to compel the inevitable state of our interactions across territories, the Lord has set it within our nature to seek out; seek friends, resources, recognition, and contentment. Whereas punishment is universally felt by confinement to any space, the the opposite liberty of free association is the happy and necessary path to these things, which are not found closeby. It is in the best interest of the citizens then, to always make willingness for trade of one’s excesses for another’s, and equalizing a higher potential within all parts of the diverse world. To transcend concepts from their ephemeral realm, to manifest one, is an act revered by the totality of descendants, who are themselves a creation of the highest entity. From thence, the honor of innovation derives.
        Make no mistake in overlooking… citizens will be sent from one territory to the other. It is the skill of sovereigns and their delegates, which decides whether those hosts arrive under the portent of civil improvement, or the banners of armored war.


[Chapter 3: Manifesting the superior world]

Chapter 3a: Observing Prosperity
        Having spoken of them so much, I loathe to complete this discussion about such high concepts, without delving to their definitions at least in part. I must for the sake of myself and the reader, ask what exactly prosperity is, and why it is preferable to any other condition. 
        Take these words not as testimony from a king, or a wise man aged by many moons, but as a student of the Historical art, and a man with eyes to see the happenings of his own day. Speaking not of forms, but of substance; prosperity is a condition of the community, which through the elimination of inferior spirits, enables the virtuous expansion of pursuits; Communication between and across peoples, violent defense of one’s honor, conversion of wealth into majestic works, and the continuance of honored culture. These things are possible only through the effective management of resources, and deft use of the right words at the right times. Above all, it cannot be seen that the benefits of prosperity are had by a State unable to arrange the priorities in their just order. This inability is itself a maligned spirit, but at no time is too strong to be overturned in favor of the virtue sent by God to the hearts of his wayward creation.
        Prosperity, in a short word, essentially contains the principles of society which burn away the worst of man’s conditions, thereby leaving behind the cleansed and superior world.


Chapter 3b: Defeat of the worse, triumph of the better
        To speak more of this ‘lesser world’, I note for the benefit of dreamers, that any condition whatsoever, is able to be brought about in the physical reality. This means that through diligent preparation, and prudent execution, one may take steps to manifest a more preferable set of conditions to the world around him. What this also means, is that there will exist many ill-minded and malicious actors, who seek everyday to pervert their free will into the suppression of the good - and none should doubt that the godless will do so, when the incentive profits them. The worse world, composed by the people at its head, is always despising the better, whether by jealousy, or hatred of order, or by their lack of honor that resides instead within others. These things are what breed conflicts which are so often devoid of necessity.
        Therefore, enter everyone into spiritual warfare with these inferior humors, guided by primitive uncivilized desires. This is possible without the sword, but impossible without true word. At the conclusion of this conflict, whether internal or external, it will be seen that better men inherit what was shared before, and a newer state of good will pervade the earth.






Penned, S.A. 187


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Maxima Falkner reads over the missive, smiling at the paper, "You are extremely gifted Boat Man." She tells him, before running off to go look for her daughter. 

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Marjorie smiled down at the missive, "Such a beautiful mind, I hope you take after him." She thinks to herself, patting her belly.

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"Very well articulated" Karl said as he sipped his tea

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