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The last few years have seen House Alstion flourish with the additions to their royal family. On the 1st of Tobias’ Bounty, 1983, did the number grow. With the publication of this missive upon the documentation of his birth do Their Apostolic Majesties name their son, and second-in-line to the Paradisian Throne MARCUS ANTONIUS ALSTION (@Enlightenment). He was delivered in the presence of the Queen-consort’s closest ladies, where the room was basked in the sunlight of dawn. Only upon further inspection a few days later did the King find that the princeling’s hair was a stark orange in colour; much akin to Queen-dowager Edith of Reinmar.

The morning glory brought forth the blessing of Prince Marcus Antonius, who in GOD’s guidance will usher in much joy and prosperity unto his name.


In the Hand of Horen at Whitespire,
On the 12th of Tobias’ Bounty, 1983.

His Royal and Apostolic Majesty, CHARLES II,
King of Aaun, Prince of Alstion, Duke of Vienne, the Lowlands, Balemena and Corazon, Margrave of High Peak, Count of Whitespire, Enswerp, Florentine and Talentine, Baron of Blanchet, Godfridcher and Virdain, Protector of the Realm

Her Royal and Apostolic Majesty, HEDWIG OF WARSOVIA,
Queen-consort of Aaun, Princess-consort of Alstion, Duchess-consort of Vienne, the Lowlands, Balemena and Corazon, Margravine-consort of High Peak, Countess-consort of Whitespire, Enswerp, Florentine and Talentine, Baroness-consort of Blanchet, Gotfridcher nd Virdain

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