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Once a Princess, once something more. The woman was long dead, the pages of her books left desolate in abandoned desert sands. What would of been a great tale, of trial and tribulation, left for naught - for one night changed it all. What could have been?

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  A woman smoked some herbs from the end of an obnoxiously long pipe. She shifted ever slightly to maintain herself upwind, avoiding the pungent fumes from getting in eyes kept hidden behind thick curls. Pruinae, or Pru, had settled upon an old log hollowed with the gnawing of bugs and rot. With an exhale, a cloud billowed from her mouth like a rolling wave, taking a moment then to let the feeling saturate her mind. Through the forest branches, she looked up at the sky. It was white, overcast by clouds that blocked out any pure ray of sun. Despite this, it created a cohesive brightness that still effectively pierced the pupil like looking upon a snow-covered field. As she pulled back her curls for clarity, only a cheek-scrunching wince would meet her, peering back down again.

  The old snow elf gave a little grunt but pulled out a leather bound book of papyrus. Removing a charcoal pencil steady against her ear, perhaps one of the many she stocked up from Alicjo's far gone shops, the woman flipped open the pages.

  Each sheet seemed to be filled to the smallest corners with words. Though, throughout them all, one thing stayed consistent. A name written a little larger than all else at the top of each leaf. Moving to a new page, the mali mumbled "It's about time I write about you, old friend." She proceeded to carve out Alicjo Verrana on the yellowed parchment.

  Pruinae recorded each thing she recalled of him as though her words alone would keep the man tangible, blissfully unaware of the loss. The first memory consisted of setting him up with a house in old Sutica, followed by tales of his journalism into the war with Oren and a certain Blair Fester's involvement. She spoke of his efforts to quell the inferi attacks and her witnessing the man learn to fit comfortably in his own skin, somewhere in there remembering him asking her to try and make a cinnamon tea. The elf recalled his excitement upon being invited to her wedding, to the way he slowly stopped coming to the tavern as he involved himself with more noble efforts. The woman tried to help but she's felt old for much longer than her face would spell out, and so they saw each other less.

  Pru regarded Alicjo as her last remaining friend, especially from a period long gone to history, a man deserving of great respect. She worked away at her records in preparation for the inevitable case of his death, though one would be lying if there was not a sense of bitterness in her elvish existence writing of old humans.



Pleasure doing the art for this. So glad to know you buddy.


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Ages ago a woman masked by visor, now claimed to the claws of Ebrietas. Saw a group led by a man with one eye. Her soul was not callous, but her heart certainly was. Yet when she gazed upon that family her lips fell into a gentle smile. 

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