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Letter to the Royal Duma: Additions to the Orders of Merit


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Letter to the Royal Duma:






IT IS IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER PEOPLE WHO HAVE SERVED THEIR KINGDOM AND ACKNOWLEDGE THEM ACCORDINGLY. As such, and at Her Majesty’s behest in a previous sitting of the Royal Duma, we have gathered a list of notable individuals who have done exemplary work in service of their kingdom. Be it through their administrative skills, creativity and furthering of Haeseni art, or defending our fair land with sword and shield in hand, we put forward these names for the consideration of the chamber. I have added more in-depth descriptions of certain individuals as needed.




We have compiled and suggest the following Haeseni patriots:


The Robertine Order of Merit


Iosif Basrid - For services to the Crown and kingdom as Lord Palatine and Patriarch of Jorenus. Posthumous.


Ser Vanhart ‘the Flying Carrot’ Barclay - For services to the Crown and kingdom as Lord Treasurer. Posthumous

(Alternatively in the Walton Order of the Unyielding for services to the Crown and kingdom as a Marian Knight)


Ioanna d’Arkent-Kortrevich - For services to the Crown, kingdom and the Royal City as Grand Maer of New Valdev.


Villorik var Ruthern - For services to the Crown and kingdom as Patriarch of Jorenus and spearheading the beginning of the Jorenic Rite.



The Wailer Order of Arts


Viorica Kortrevich - For services to the Crown and kingdom as Grand Lady of the Esrova Prikaz. Posthumous.


Galina Godunov - For substantial contributions as Mistress of the Wardrobe.


Charlotte Alstion - For services to the Crown and kingdom as Chief Architect of New Valdev.


Wylein Alpyne - For services to the Crown and kingdom as Chief Architect of Morteskvan and aided in the planning and construction of New Valdev. Posthumous.



The Walton Order of the Unyielding


Nikolai Colborn - For services to the Crown, kingdom and Church of the Canon as Grand Inquisitor of the Holy Inquisition. Posthumous.


Ser Vladimir ‘Hothand’ var Ruthern - For services to the Crown and kingdom as Knight Paramount. Posthumous.


Ser Leonid d’Arkent-Kortrevich - For services to the Crown and kingdom as Lord Marshal and for his sacrifice. Posthumous.


Ser Rickard Tosali-Ruthern - For services to the Crown and kingdom as Lord Marshal.


Villorik var Ruthern - For services to the Crown and kingdom as Patriarch of Jorenus and his unparalleled victories over darkspawn.





HIS LORDSHIP, Rickard Kortrevich, Kastellan of Stewardy


HER GRACE, Tatiyana vas Ruthern, Duchess of Vidaus

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The Old Alstion Crone read the missive, perched atop her lofty apartments. "Ah, how lovely..." She muttered quietly to herself before requesting her scribe. "Write to his lordship," She began, "Give him my thanks - a generous title..." she trailed off,  expecting the servant to complete the mindless task in a manner she would some thirty or so years ago.


"Now, onto the next city."

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