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"You act as though we will pick up and move once more. No matter the cost, we will fight." Field Marshal Cerrick declared as he readied his forces once more for battle. This time, in his backyard of Ubuntu.

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A low cackle left the orcess’ maw. “Weak twiggies. UBUNTU MUST FALL!!” She’d laugh again before going back to her feast of roast Vikelan.

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"Yub, yub, Qor'dash will deliver another victory!" The gobbo shouted within the square at the announcement of the next march upon Vikelan lands.  She began preparing more war rations to provide for the Krughai and Rexdom Lurak.

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Rhak'Dom readies himself enthusiastically.

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The redskin smiles the tusked smile as he prepares for a party before the next siege.


The vikelans gave us enough provisions to feast bruddahs! It will be hard to chew on their fear-filled meat, but they will taste delicious!

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"Will they ever surrender?" softly wonders Galahad. "These situations beg the question, whether it is brave or foolish not to. Knowing the ideals of the Vikelans, I'd suppose it's the latter. They're like a peacock who pretends to be something proud, something worth admiring. But we know better. They do not."

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A letter is distributed across Braevos..



War. . . War never changes. . .







We at the Grub-Bucket2122.png are excited to hear that our cousins in Kagumar Krugmenistan LURAK were victorious in their first of many conquests against Ubuntu!

In honor of the ancient deal made with mascot & partial shareholder Grimruk (after which the Iconic Grimruk-Shake2122.png gets its name and orange color), the Grub-Bucket2122.png is willing to offer CATERING to the Gonijin!




For EXTRA HUNGRY Gonijin, we introduce

The Grub-Bucket 72oz Steak Challenge2122.png

1. Entire meal must be completed in one hour. If any of the meal is not consumed…YOU LOSE!

2. Before the time starts, you will be allowed to cut into the steak, and take one bite. If the steak tastes good and is cooked to your satisfaction, we will start the time upon your acceptable approval. The time will not stop, and the contest is on, so make SURE before you say “Yub'hai.”

3. Once you have started you are not allowed to stand up, leave your table, or have anyone else TOUCH the meal.

4. You will be disqualified if anyone assists you in cutting, preparing or eating of your meal. This is YOUR contest.

5. You don’t have to eat the fat, but we will judge this.

6. Should you become ill, the contest is over… YOU LOSE! (Please use the bucket provided as necessary.)

7. You are required to pay the full amount up front; if you win we will refund 100%.

8.You must sit at a table that we assign.

9. If you do not win the steak challenge, you are welcome to take the leftovers with you.

10. No consumption or sharing of the leftovers is allowed in the restaurant once the contest is over.

11. If you fail to complete the challenge, you must pay the full 72 Mon


Prices, meat origin, and grease levels may vary. Deals will last until the end of the conflict or cowardly capitulation of Ubuntu



Big Texan in Amarillo marks its 10,000th 72-ounce steak challenge - Route  66 News
This is a photo I took of Dargrind @Lojo613 when we were doing the real Big Texan Steak Ranch 72 oz Steak challenge in Amarillo Texas



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    • Lojo613

      Dear Femurlord, I am sorry I don't have the guts to say this in person, but its also your fault for gaslighting and harassing me for so long that speaking to you literally causes me PTSD so bad that I needed to go to therapy. Im going to put it all out here, to stop you from hurting anyone else. You're a narcissist. There, I said it. I just wanted to play a necromancer, but whenever I tried to roleplay, you and your gang of homophobic thugs targeted me for my characters sexual preferences. Im sick of you and people like you gatekeeping the magic and ruining it for everyone else who doesnt want to go along with your interpretation of necromancy. we should not be HELD HOSTAGE by people like you who want to push everyone else out so you and your goons can feel special. Its 22024 and the fact that staff havent taken a stand against people like you is what is exsactly wrong with this server and the world in general. Maybe we could get less ST pushing through dogwhistle amendents targeted at players and more actual community feedback incorporated into the future of this server.

    • Lojo613

      Dear Femurlord, I am sorry I don't have the guts to say this in person, but its also your fault for gaslighting and harassing me for so long that speaking to you literally causes me PTSD so bad that I needed to go to therapy. Im going to put it all out here, to stop you from hurting anyone else. You're a narcissist. There, I said it. I just wanted to play a necromancer, but whenever I tried to roleplay, you and your gang of homophobic thugs targeted me for my characters sexual preferences. Im sick of you and people like you gatekeeping the magic and ruining it for everyone else who doesnt want to go along with your interpretation of necromancy. we should not be HELD HOSTAGE by people like you who want to push everyone else out so you and your goons can feel special. Its 22024 and the fact that staff havent taken a stand against people like you is what is exsactly wrong with this server and the world in general. Maybe we could get less ST pushing through dogwhistle amendents targeted at players and more actual community feedback incorporated into the future of this server.

    • Lojo613

      Dear Femurlord, I am sorry I don't have the guts to say this in person, but its also your fault for gaslighting and harassing me for so long that speaking to you literally causes me PTSD so bad that I needed to go to therapy. Im going to put it all out here, to stop you from hurting anyone else. You're a narcissist. There, I said it. I just wanted to play a necromancer, but whenever I tried to roleplay, you and your gang of homophobic thugs targeted me for my characters sexual preferences. Im sick of you and people like you gatekeeping the magic and ruining it for everyone else who doesnt want to go along with your interpretation of necromancy. we should not be HELD HOSTAGE by people like you who want to push everyone else out so you and your goons can feel special. Its 22024 and the fact that staff havent taken a stand against people like you is what is exsactly wrong with this server and the world in general. Maybe we could get less ST pushing through dogwhistle amendents targeted at players and more actual community feedback incorporated into the future of this server.
      Edited by Lojo613
      Accidentally posted multiple times due to glitch

    • Zolla_

      how can you get out of the cloud temple?

    • wowj  »  Tythus

      I cast summon Tythus

    • MeteorDragon

      Once again I am asking if anyone wants to play a Sorvian

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