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Wintry Lament


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This was adapted from the Unholy Consult.






If one were to venture into the deeper Northern areas, they might hear a distant singing, its echoes carrying across the snowy landscape...


Sing, breath, sing!


Declare our humiliation at the horned hands of the Crowned Child. How we raised one thousand blades against them, how we waded into their clamour, until our dying buzzed as flies in our ears.


Sing! Declare the dread Hyades's exile, the sealing of the Heaven's Mandate, and how the sun took away from us the warm arms of love. The broken heart of the failed warrior, and the numbed soul of the forgotten lover.


Flow! Make what can be made from such an hour...


There was no end to them, for endless were the demons, endless and accursed. Strong was their hatred, reckless were their soldiers - mad to prove a trifle of might! And cunning were their tactics, for as their teeth, so too were their thoughts, both few and sharp.


And far from the black flower, in the deepest sewer, they brought forth their accursed Prince. A soul ever aimed at this, our desolation, for they had lain together, Saint and Devil, in mockery of the world.


Deep, Prophet, deep! Fortify the bones of the earth, wed hope to the world. Trust to prayer given, not curses taken... For they did raise my head high, and devoured my blood as fire. And their ground gave forth many horrors, being as Gods, and so their maker bid their progeny...


O', Prophet! What had we remaining? What fury had we left? What destruction? We who knew the earth, plotted the course of the stars, knew that we must grapple with the transmutation.


So we squatted upon our haunches, bathed our body in the intangible. We swore oaths of hatred against them, we spurned our prayers, and the emptiness that ate them.


Set upon deceit, hewn from woe, garrisoned by hope, our shield against the Heavens - pray for it, our fortress, this world, implore it as you would any other idol.


For we are its miracle.

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