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The Ambition of a Fool [Letter]


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A large scroll made with battered paper would unfold before you, displaying the drawing of a dark-armored samurai

and below it several words. Such a letter was shared only among Brabant’s leadership and its most important diplomats.


It is an honor to acknowledge your quiet people of Brabant. I have seen the questionable and loud diplomatic choices you all have made. It is not to offend, for I am a small, loud man too—no one special. Nevertheless, I desire to extend my knowledge to you, if you would wish. I don’t say this out of malice but genuinely as a concern, a thought of pure selfness. Today, I learned wisdom from a bandit. Don’t you think how fascinating it is to learn good things from those who have hit the lowest? I sure do! With this, I ought to show you all that I can help improve relations and ensure you will remain strong. Unharmed by the conflicts outside, your walls forever tall.


I do not expect to be trusted, and I do not expect to be loved right away. However, I shall prove my honor; I shall prove what I’m talking about is not just words but sharp weapons and well-forged shields. My name won’t be written on this scroll because proper people do their exchanges face-to-face, there is no honor to speak and meet up through letters. I shall be dwelling within your walls. Do seek out the monocle-wearing man. You will not miss me.



Ta ta for now.



 @Lomiei @_RoyalCrafter_ And so on! Made this at 8 am with no sleep, i apologize for the low quality!


Edited by lemonke
Grammar check
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Lothair Falkner of Brabant sits next to his wife and child (@ImpracticalMagic) as they relax at the fireside table. With a pleased expression, he offered her the scroll in his opened palm "good word is rarely rewarded in it's own day.. but acts as a seed to yield fruit in the next." 
He lowered his head to place a kiss on his beloved child, beginning to read out the words for the purpose of the young one's literary education. Having finished, spoke words to the room as he re-rolled the scroll and positioned it onto the table... "let this be a lesson to us; that wisdom is to be gained from courses of life. For God did not spare his wit for any measure of his creation."

"in the morning, could you help me compose a missive to serve as response?"

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Isana au Isard, yawning as he opens his door in the morning, finds a copy of the scroll nailed to his door. Grumbling, he unfolds the parchment and reads it. He places it to the side to read again once he fully awakens.


Shortly after, he again reads it, this time absorbing its contents as his jade eyes flick over the words. "Gud ideas can be gud ideas, naematter ta source."

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