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UNION OF HEARTS [Amélie & Sorrel]


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Wedding of Lady Amélie Auclair, and Lord Sorrel Tulpe von Theonus



Painting of the Heartlandic Couple



“Address to All Invited”


Whence, are two hearts joined, in earnest - whence that first spark is bid alight, on the eve of moonlit night? Or whence they stand before his sight, amidst the Heavens’ brightest light? It matters naught, in truth, you see; for amidst our heart’s every small beat; before the heavens, peers, and thee; we stand, to wed, eternally.


Joined long now since, in our affections, deeper than any words could bear to speech - the day has at last chanced, whence we may avow ourselves to one another, as we had long avowed ourselves to our greater, Heartlandic, family; here besides us on this day, of dearest matrimony.




“From the Fields, unto the Stream”


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Unto sun-touched fields, amidst the boughs & home of trees, we will be joined in marriage, for all the realm to
see; choosing to forfend a conventional chapel, the wedding proceedings will be carried out, unto the beautiful
                       summer’s touch - ending with a daring leap of love, and faith, unto Lover’s Fall, a waterfall of folklore famed.


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As per my paramour’s desire, he shall be taking on the Auclair name; and with it, taking on Le Devoir Sacré
( The Sacred Duty ), in a Clairian Avowal, as is tradition, and as all Auclair are charged, since eld, to keep; 
                       inviting all those, both able, and unable to attend the ceremony proper, for a post-wedding feast.



“Maids & Knights of Honour”



▩ Archbishop, Frantzisko Cardinal Albarosa


                      AM: As no Heartlandic matrimony is complete without a godly witness, to oversee its proceedings, and its vows; so too does our dearly beloved Archbishop, and Cardinal Franzitsko, at his insistence, and our joy, join us in our sacred union; since our first meeting, has found in the Cardinal, a fast confidant, and dearer friend, one I only hope to make proud in his fond trust & expectations in me.



▩ Ser, Atticus Abraham Reinhold


                      AM: Whence my beloved father’s ailment, beckoned his last breaths, was the day I first set out, and stepped foot, unto Vallagne; whilst my father is no more, I had found within, a family, anew, one that would come to wrest unto my heart’s every small beat. And of all, none am I more proud, to call father, than my beloved mentor, confidant, and family, from now, to the ends, eternally.


Lady, Elsie von Augusten


AM: There are few words that chance to speak, how proud, and beloved, my dearest ward, is, and will always be, to me. Summers have passed since she’s been in my tutelage, and seeing her such, grown, drives me to tear-laden cheeks, and bids the brightest, helpless smile, to my lips - as if unto a daughter of mine own. I would have no one else fulfill such, than she.


 Her MajestyQueen, Adalia I


AM: “Know mustn't shine alone, for we'll always shine with thee. I'll always chance be here, should you wish, to call on me.” To think I would be the one, instead, to first call on thee. But I couldn’t help my heart, now most truthfully, since I would have no other, than my would-be cousin, here with me.


Captain, Felix


SO: Captain Felix, it would be a great honor if you would attend my wedding upon the dais where my bride and I are to be eternally bound; you are a man that, despite my shortcomings as an aspirant, did not give up on me because I was not strong like the rest of the men, or brave like them either. You saw through your duty, alongside our Lord Marshal, of molding me into a better man - one fit to care and protect his woman, whatever those odds may be. And, so, I must show our realm how good of a man you are by displaying our friendship openly, to them all, so that the Heartlands may understand the bond between their Brothers-at-Arms.


▩ Legionary, Matthew Smythe


SO: A man I have grown with, side-by-side, and have watched become a leader of the good men in the Legion; Legionary Smythe, I invite you to await my bride’s most lavish meander up the aisle beside myself and the good Lord Marshal and Captain. On this day, I become the man I have only dreamed of being, and it is with you three men as witnesses that I wish to accomplish such.


Lady, Adelyn Isla Reinhold


AM: Amidst the family, that stole my heart herein, few else would chance to call, my dearest, fondest, true sibling, than my dearest sister, in aught but kin; would chance no heart more loved to keep, whence takes these steps, here beside me, she herself too soon to be, led down the aisle, to her wifey.


▩ Lady, Yvaine von Theonus (née Sonja) 


AM: Since the touch of providence had first penned my arrival unto the gates of Vallagne, I had found within, past my every hope, a sibling, in aught but blood and kin. From my very first night, to now, and on, eternally, will chance to always suffer be, my sister dearest, helplessly.


▩ Miss, Lucia


AM: A resplendent heart & soul, without which this union could never chance to be; amidst the season’s Ball of Duality, the young Miss Lucia’s debut, did my paramour, and love, fall down on one knee. No one is more befitting of the role, than she who made this all possible, than our dearest realm’s, mistress of the robes.

▩ Laird, Iosefka Anarórë


AM: Though unable to make the wedding ceremony itself for long, due to helping host the famed Great Norlandic Winner’s festival; there is ne’er a confidant, and dearer friend, would have by my side, than the one by whose effort, the passions of my childhood, have been given new light & life.

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Lord Marshal, Wilhelm


SO: My Lord Marshal, there is no other man I would want, or need, to haul me down the aisle in my final hour as a bachelor. You have made me into a man that my mother is proud to know, and that my father can stand to look at. There is no other way to honor you than as such - to have you by my side at the altar as I await my stunning bride’s walk from one end of the aisle to the other, where I await her.



Familial invitations, extended to:

▩ Maison d’Auclair ( House Auclair )

▩ Haus von Theonus ( House von Theonus )

▩ Lady, Calla von Theonus

▩ Ser, Theoderic von Theonus


Our Houses, our family, our kin; whose history bespeak endless devotion, towards the protection of one’s people, and the wider realm therein; joining now, eternally, in love, in hope, matrimony.


Royal invitations, extended to:


▩ Her Majesty, Queen Adalia Morgana
▩ His Highness, Prince-Consort August

▩ House of Temesch of the Petra

▩ His Majesty, King Charles II
▩ Her Majesty, Queen-Consort Hedwig


▩ House of Alstion


For your realm, I hope you see, is naught that alone, but family.


Beloved House invitations, extended to:

▩ Taigh Reinhold ( House Reinhold )

The Sun, and Moon, will always be, among the stars, eternally.

▩ Haus von Augusten ( House von Augusten )

Whence a bond is forged anew, naught else can, break it, in truth.


Fraternal invitations, extended to:


▩ The Knightly Order of Saint Peter,
    and it’s every, avowed Knight

▩ The Legion of Saint Godwin,

    and it’s every sworn, Legionary


Every single, one of thee, a sibling dear, is aught we see;
For amidst the darkest night, we, as one, stand as it’s light.


Personal invitations, extended to:


▩ Mister, Theodore Elwood

Whence we chance the time we seek, a joy it always chances be.


▩ Lady, Iduna Thriceblood

Though we’ve so little, time to we, will always mean, the world to me.


▩ Her Highness, Princess Erantiel, and the House of Arthalionath

As we pen unto our plans, to celebrate, our kindred lands;
Would love nothing more to see, than joining us in revelry.




▩ Bishop, Jean Cardinal Saint-Godwin, and his kin

Though our hearts may beat adrift, your company’s always a gift.

▩ Bishop, Rhosyn Cardinal Casica,

Though your duties, may steal thee, will always chance, be dear to me.




▩ Bourgmestre, Nicolas Wittenbach,

Whence theatre is born anew, I hope we’ll share, a cup or two.


▩ Monsieur, François de la Tour

Amidst the plays, that we chance write, we’ll pen a future, that more bright.


Peer invitations, extended to:

▩ Maison de Roseous ( House of Rosius )

▩ Maison de Halcourt ( House of Halcourt )

▩ Haus von Alstreim ( House von Alstreim )

▩ Haus von Reuss ( House von Reuss )

▩ Dom Jazłowiecki ( House Jazłowiecki )

▩ Casa di Varoche ( House of Varoche )

▩ Hus Stafyr ( House Stafyr )

▩ House of Astor


Distant kin, though we may be, we’ll always chance, be family.


Special invitations, extended to:


▩ His Holiness, Caius I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon

Summers passed, since that one day, whence in your trust, I was ordained,

Amidst the letters we did share, a heart I found, so dear, and fair.


▩ Bel Aurum, Elusive Author of the Gilded Quill

Here with us, since our first dance, we could ne’er miss this chance.

Could ne’er not, invite of thee, to join with us, in revelry.





“Beyond the Darkest Night - Unto the Brightest Light”


The last extant main-line, line, of the famed House de Valois, and the progenitor of contemporary Auvergne: Duchesse Chrestienne d'Auvergne; renamed Auclair, in 1754 IMP, whence taking Le Devoir Sacré ('The Sacred Duty'), and it's Six Sacred Vows, in honour of the clarity & virtue of their newly avowed path.




“Ever Unwavering Under The Sun”

House Theonus are Waldenian Highlanders who have embraced several aspects of Heartlander culture throughout their time within the Commonwealth of the Petra. Notably, many of its number have embraced the tradition of chivalry present within the Heartlands, and a strong tendency towards its clothing.



HER LADYSHIP, Amélie Auclair, Dame-Maire of Vallagne, Crown Ambassador of the Heartlands,
Écuyer of the Flaming Rose, Ordained Vicar of the Silver Crusade,
Holy Knight of the Faith, Maîtresse of Maison d’Auclair




HIS LORDSHIP, Sorrel Tulpe von Theonus, Man-at-Arms of the Legion of Saint Godwin


Edited by Apricette
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Atticus' expression softens as he reads over the invitation, and warms as he reads his own name. He lets out a soft laugh that, if anyone asks, did not sound a little choked up. "I'm so happy for her- And I know that young man will treat her well." He carefully places the letter aside, planning to preserve it for years to come. "I feel quite lucky, to be able to walk both my daughters down their aisles so soon."

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Elsie began to lay all her gowns upon her bed. "Oh what will I wear! I must look the best for Amelie's special day!"

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The Laird reads over the missive, not seeing an invitation directed towards them at first due to their reading difficulties, but then they see it! Not only an invitation, but a very special one with a note attached! Preparations are arranged to escape their duties at the famed Great Norlandic Winner's Festival to make sure the wedding may be attended, hopefully with Blanca at their side.

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3 hours ago, Apricette said:

As no Heartlandic matrimony is complete without a godly witness, to oversee its proceedings, and its vows; so too does our dearly beloved Archbishop, and Cardinal Franzitsko, at his insistence, and our joy, join us in our sacred union; since our first meeting, has found in the Cardinal, a fast confidant, and dearer friend, one I only hope to make proud in his fond trust & expectations in me.




"I recall when Sorrel was but a little fleep," kabbalah-beamed the Crab directly into the unsuspecting Atticus' brain, all of a sudden, "Never thought he'd marry, to be fair."




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Her Majesty Adalia is currently scouring her closet to find the perfect dress for one of her best friend’s wedding!

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OOC: @ApricetteI'd love to witness this event tho I'm out of town at that moment most likely. As you are so incredibly wholesome and I gotta support one of the cutest dwarfs to date. 

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