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From the Heartlandic Council to the People


Issued and averred by the office of





After their nominations through the three major institutions of government in the Heartlands, the candidates for the office of Lord-Chancellor have convened to display their policies in a round of rigorous debate. As the Lord-Chancellor, whichever of these nominees is voted into office will lead the Heartlandic Council and guide its government, serving as the authority in the land second-only to the monarchs. It is now up to the people of the Heartlands to review their words, to compare the policies of these candidates with your own, and to choose who you believe exemplifies the Heartlands you want to see.






Nominee of the Heartlandic Council

Louis-Caspian Dieuxmont de Rosius, Baron of Rosius


Nominee of the Knightly Order of Saint Peter

Amélie Auclair, Lady-Mayor of Vallagne


Nominee of the Garmont Assembly

Aurel von Theonus, Duke of Vohenheim





Question From the Grand Speaker: “How will you seek to promote communication between the Heartlands’ government and its community?”


LOUIS-CASPIAN DE ROSIUS: “Thank you for the opportunity. Taking upon a cloak of responsibility isn’t an easy task, at all. Everything is at stake when a decision is brought forth, every detail must be taken care of. But those sure of success and with GOD by their side don’t crumble so early. Our unification brought good things and revealed a lot of hard working people, and if elected, it will definitely be my duty to continue that streak. I will definitely ensure the continuation of the unification process by coordinating with the ministries in charge of the organs in abundance. Also, to note. As I am already in good contact with her Majesty Hedwig and the Paradisian Court, it is my goal to further carve a path for our people in the Heartlands to have joyful moments by ensuring the continuation of regular events and festivities, as a part of my court duty. With the people, for the people.”


AMÉLIE AUCLAIR: “Since the touch of providence had first penned, the inception, and birth, of our beloved realm, we have chanced to make use of missives, whence communication between the council's offices, their Majesties, and our wider family are deemed necessary; I would never disparage our labor made so far, in these respects, for it has served us more than well. What I would chance say however, is what would compliment our efforts, in serving the wider realm from now on, that the chancellery, and it's incumbent chancellor, coordinating the myriad constituent offices of the council, would send out regular missives, every Saints' week, to two, whence possible, to appraise the wider realm of the course we're steering our most beloved realm; such that every heart, of our beloved lands may, be united in purpose and heart.”


AUREL VON THEONUS: “I hope to do so by being approachable, so that citizens know they have at least one ear to voice their concerns, ideas and hopes to, so that I may bridge the gap on their behalf. And for our government to our people; I hope to be as transparent as possible so citizens know what we're working on, as much as we're able to share that is. I can leverage experience gained in several areas of government already, and can continue this as chancellor.”


Question From the Grand Speaker: “In what areas do you believe the Confederation is currently lacking? How will you seek to support these areas?”

LOUIS-CASPIAN DE ROSIUS: “A state cannot shine bright in all of its fields and through every spectre. But, we have proven that, if joint actions are understood and fulfilled in a professional way, even the most negative of thoughts can shift onto the bright side. With this being said, what I personally see as our slight lack. It is our military. It is not an easy body to maintain, to be frank, but a solution always exists. During my tenure and if elected, I shall ensure professional and organized communication by coordinating with the Legion's leadership and its Lord Marshal. Where I shall issue an official audit as a chancellor. It will allow the government and me to turn to the most vulnerable of the military's corners. Our soldiers need passion for their call, they need their morale raised because if they leave us, bon people. Who will we turn to when confronted by the biggest of our enemies? Where and when, it matters little, dear people.”


AMÉLIE AUCLAIR: “In my labors alongside their Majesties, and the council, we sought to address this very thought; thought unbeknownst to many, knows in the depths of my heart that our beloved realm would welcome addressing two specifics, without which we might pen unto our beloved realm, a future, of naught but gilded gold; the census, conceived unto the infancy of our realm, was telling, in that there chances be ever so many, within our greater family, that still labor to fulfill their heart's deepest desire and calling. Unbeknownst to the means by which they might be able to carry out their heart's desire, passion & hopes, both in service to our greater realm & themselves, this in turn, straining the apparatus of our treasury, and feeding unto it's exponential expenses in maintaining the sheer breadth of our wider realm. Yet, in my labors, the greatest solution was writ plain to me; it was hence that I had conceived the Clairian Exchange, the multi-faceted labor, academic, and artisanal institution that has been in development alongside their Majesty's, and the council since its passing in the Garmont. The institution, meant to compile our wider realm's every institution, academy, career prospect, mentor, and professional in what could chance call a greater archive, and directory; coordinating the entire realm's institutions in the assistance of the new, and otherwise extant, hearts of our beloved lands, in pursuing the education, career or craft, they might so wish, in the hopes of leading the Heartlands of tomorrow. This, paired with the Guide to the Heartlands, now necessitating only the Aaunic Province's penning; will be the backbone of our government's, herein revealed, residency campaign, as we labor to encourage the settlement & the arrival of new hearts, to join our wider realm & family, relieving the strain on our treasury's apparatus, populating our the sheer breadth of our lands, Aevos' largest nation-state.  I'm proud to use this occasion, to announce its upcoming inception, and to at last, reveal the efforts their Majesties, the council & myself have been laboring towards these past summers together.”


AUREL VON THEONUS: “Trust or Confidence. Maybe even understanding? How each half of this confederation operates. I'm not sure what to call it, truly. But there's some slack that we need to pick up if this confederation is to be successful. I believe that like many issues, communication is at the root of the problem here. I believe that I can work with both monarchs to develop a clear vision for the future to help fix some of those issues.”


Question From the Grand Speaker: “What is your greatest priority for the Confederation? What will be the main goal, or goals, you will seek to accomplish in your tenure as Chancellor?”

LOUIS-CASPIAN DE ROSIUS: “I will be quite brief with this one, not underestimating the value of this question whatsoever. Don't fret, I've already been to the bathroom. It is my wish to put focus on the general activity and daily on-going happenings within the Heartlands.  And the perfect example of that has risen in our lovely Vallagne, through the Clairian Exchange Bill.  The more effort we put into relocating our time to the betterment of our people, the results will be clear as a river. Then, when an ordinary citizen of this Confederation gets up in the morning, eats his bread and drinks his wine well and goes to work in the field, or to the market, and when he finishes his work and returns home to his family, happy and satisfied with the day. Then I will say that the work was done successfully. Our citizens matter the most, and no one will prove me otherwise.”


AMÉLIE AUCLAIR: “My aforementioned labors, and announcement, will ne'er cease, they will chance be our course in the summers to come; and with their exception, will continue those efforts & labors started within the crown embassy, ensuring that diplomacy will always be the first recourse of Heartlands; that corruption, wroth, and negligence will never be let to fester and impart suffering upon our beloved realm; and that no attempts to see an unkind fate imparted upon our realm & it's every single soul, will be tolerated. That, we will ever be realm of the 4 chivalries, and the 8 mercies, as is oathed to under the vows, that I have long-since taken unto mine own; as is the heart, of our very lands, family and home!”


AUREL VON THEONUS: “The stability of our combined nation, and prosperity of our people. My main goal would again be to encourage communication between both monarchies, getting our communities more intertwined and another is to find ways to make the provincial capitals more attractive for new citizens to move here.”


Question From the Grand Speaker: “What is your personal vision for the future of the Heartlands? What do you want the Heartlands to look like in twenty years?”

LOUIS-CASPIAN DE ROSIUS: “I was born in this Confederation of ours, that we all now call home. A home, ladies and gents! My parents lived for and died in this Confederation, they worked hard, just like yours too, to make it as easy as possible for us to live, work, raise our own children one day. The future of our Confederation. We shouldn't question it every single minute of the day. Our moral duty is to live according to GOD's word, working towards the betterment of our home. That is what I wish to do and reciprocate, as family and people matter the most to me. Under no circumstance, no matter how much marks I get offered will I drop our home in the mud. Pigs live in the mud, but not this bastion of our realm, not the Heartlander Confederation! I hereby swear to you, and you be my witnesses, as we shift into new times, where some important values will matter more. Long Live the Heartlands!”


AMÉLIE AUCLAIR: “A realm replete, with hearts and souls, as blessed and sweet, as they chance to be today; as suns pass, they turn to moons, and then to summers, then anew; I see our campaign bear fruit, as hearts and souls, both impassioned and new, filter in and out of our institutions, our realm, reborn anew, penning a brighter future for every soul within, as we march as one, as we have since our realm's first founding, to face any and all adversity, to aspire to any and all heights, and to see of our realm, and all its future, beyond the deepest darkest nights, unto the brightest, shining light. I see naught but love, and hope, and light, and it will ever be my duty, and every labor, to see it so, to see it right. I have long avowed such, long before I ever stepped foot in our lands. Yet I thus, swear, once more, I shall serve the Heartlands, and it's people, as my forefathers had before me, under the vow of my kin, that I take unto my own, until the last of my breath is wrest, from unto the depths of my heart and soul, I will labor to see that it's people, that my now family, and home, may have a future, penned, in gold.”


AUREL VON THEONUS: “In 20 years I want to see our communities active, treasury overflowing, a strong military and monarchs who continue to grow and lead our confederation to prosperity together.”


Question From Frantzisko Cardinal Albarosa, retired Lord-Chancellor: “How will you support the Canon's sacred mission in your tenures? How will you provide aid to the good Cardinal Saint Godwin's, in the recent Bull that he published? In incentives to take the clerical life, to seek Holy Sites?”  

LOUIS-CASPIAN DE ROSIUS: “The mission of our Holy Mother Church is, indeed, a mission that should concern everyone, especially one of the three of us, it depends on who becomes the Chancellor. However, in order to fulfill this mission, we must have a firm faith, which I think you agree with, Your Excellency. Faith pushes forward those who fall into its arms. Vassals are devoted to religion, and since each of us is powerful enough to be able to allocate a sum for various luxuries and abundance, I would like to emphasize the vassal's help to this mission. The funding run should be brought up by the office of the Chancellor, organizing all the vital parts of this bigger plan. A census of all the sites within the Confederation, more than necessary. For now, that is my answer, but more can be discussed. I am sure.”


AMÉLIE AUCLAIR: “It is fortune, then, if not providence, that whence working alongside our archdiocese' leadership in ensuring that the Archdiocese, it's subdivisions, and even it's monastic orders will be included, and amongst the faculties & institutions, at the forefront of our residency campaign, such that the new hearts that join of our beloved realm, may seek out the celestial father's virtue, and acolyte-ship amongst the church, and pave the path for the faithful yet to come - undoubtedly bound to make the good Cardinals efforts in coordinating our realm's faithful & it's sites, in the summers to come. Whence his holiness, has dained to ordain me, vicar, to the Silver Crusade, and ordained me this purpose, I have vowed to uphold the virtues of the Canonist Faith, and safeguard the faithful from the whispers of Iblees. That it’s virtues, mercy, kindness, and compassion may never be perverted, corrupted, or disregarded, by a faithful whose heart is wrest off the blessed path, such that they may never succumb to the wroth, and sin, that burdens every child of Horen, as it once did, even the exalted Prophet, Owyn.”


AUREL VON THEONUS: “I don't have to be Chancellor to offer any support I can. Whether that's in my capacity in the legion or my status as a duke in this nation. Though if elected to this position, I'll be able to leverage the office to support whatever and however the church needs.”







I. One must be 16 years of age or older.

II. One must be a housed citizen of either the Province of the Petra or the Province of Aaun.

III. One must be in good standing with Heartlandic law, and must not be currently jailed or awaiting trial.




A Nominee must have at least half of the votes to gain the seat of the Chancellor. If no Nominee gains over half of the votes, the lowest Nominee shall be removed from the poll, and the voting shall begin again, where the seat will go to whoever gains the majority.











His Excellency, Sir Atticus Reinhold “The Lightkeeper”, Grand Speaker of the Heartlands, Count of Anairgrid, Viscount of Stormont, Baron of Raònoir, Knight of the Petrine Laurel, Chapter of Rapids


His Lordship, Konstantin Leon von Augusten, Heir to the County of Hohengarten and Viscounty of Azor, Squire to the Knights of Vander, Squire to the Order of St. Peter, Steward of Whitespire & Vallagne, and Scribe to the Office of the Grand Speaker of the Heartlands.


Edited by Hom
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