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A beautifully done post! Your work in this is absolutely appreciated, Zuziee! And so so very important!

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HAPPY PRIDE TO EVERYONE!! starting with this diva


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just in time huh

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so happy to have been a part of this! this server has made leaps and bounds in terms of being a more accepting place for queer players, and i hope it continues to make those leaps

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16 minutes ago, satinkira said:


I don't think it's ever been more important to reiterate the protection of the LGBTQ's rights. If we consider Kira's point, this is an attempt to rescind human rights and reinstate the kind of discrimination we would have believed was long dead. 


This is a reminder that history isn't a straight line of progress. And it's in our hands to ensure we can ensure a humane and respectful world for all. 

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4 minutes ago, Jentos said:


I don't think it's ever been more important to reiterate the protection of the LGBTQ's rights. If we consider Kira's point, this is an attempt to rescind human rights and reinstate the kind of discrimination we would have believed was long dead. 


This is a reminder that history isn't a straight line of progress. And it's in our hands to ensure we can ensure a humane and respectful world for all. 


happy pride month to all my fellow queers. Maybe by pride flag 2025 the canon church'll finally legalize gay marriage? 

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I will forever give androgynous Thranduril vibes. 

Shouts out to my fellow non binaries <3



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1 hour ago, satinkira said:

Happy Pride. 


This year, the month is more important than ever, especially for our American players. Project 2025, the proposed playbook for a Trump Presidency written by the Heritage Foundation, has numerous proposals and plans that directly discriminate against the LGBTQ community. For example, 


Page 584:


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[The President should] Rescind regulations prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, and sex characteristics.


This is advocating for legalising homophobic and transphobic acts - such as a landlord evicting someone from their home for being gay, or an employer refusing someone a job on the basis of their being transgender. There is more;


Page 451:


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Goal #3: Promoting Stable and Flourishing Married Families. Families comprised of a married mother, father, and their children are the foundation of a well-ordered nation and healthy society. Unfortunately, family policies and programs under President Biden’s HHS are fraught with agenda items focusing on “LGBTQ+ equity,” subsidizing single-motherhood, disincentivizing work, and penalizing marriage. These policies should be repealed and replaced by policies that support the formation of stable, married, nuclear families.


In other words, policies, programs and funding devoted to aiding LGBTQ families and other minority groups would be taken away in favour of more 'traditional' families. 


Page 258:


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The next conservative Administration should dismantle USAID’s DEI apparatus by eliminating the Chief Diversity Officer position along with the DEI advisers and committees; cancel the DEI scorecard and dashboard; remove DEI requirements from contract and grant tenders and awards; issue a directive to cease promotion of the DEI agenda, including the bullying LGBTQ+ agenda; and provide staff a confidential medium through which to adjudicate cases of political retaliation that agency or implementing staff suffered during the Biden Administration. It should eliminate funding for partners that promote discriminatory DEI practices and consider debarment in egregious cases.


Currently-existing government apparatus devoted towards diversity and inclusion would be removed. Requirements for it for companies would be removed. 'Promotion' of DEI would be ordered to stop - the report refers to the 'bullying LGBTQ+ agenda'.



All of this paints a frightening picture, especially since these extracts are, by far, not all - I have only covered the topic of the LGBTQ+ community. I urge all American players who would oppose the legalisation of homophobia and gender-based discrimination to donate or actively campaign against it. Inflation is high and times are tough, but this is arguably the most serious threat that the American sector of the community has faced in decades. Zuziee has attached links to various organisations and charities on the main post - please do take the time to read through those and possibly donate. We must oppose this, campaign against it, otherwise if Trump gets elected there is a very serious chance of the basic rights and government support for the American LGBTQ+ community being taken away - and possibly worse. 


Again, happy Pride. Remember to speak out - it is unfortunate, but we must fight for the continuation of the right to love freely, and to be who we are.

Thank you for speaking about Project 2025. If I can vote from across the pond, the Americans still in the country should as well.

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Gay and beautiful, I love pride

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