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Celia'Diraar Tilru system - Year 187


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On ranks, tilru & promotion requirements.

Published: 5th of Sun's Smile of the year 187. amidst the Second Age.

For long was the Celia’Diraar led by Sylvir Cerusil as the trusted Mordu’lar, but with time comes change. Eir Maor the new Mordu’lar, chosen by High Princess Illyria Ibarellan arises. Here with changes on ranks, tilru & promotion requirements.









Mordu’lar: Selecter by the Royarch
is the rank bestowed upon the commander of the Celia’diraar, charged with keeping the Realm of Celia’nor safe alongside all of its vassals and people who reside within the domain of the Ibarellans. They have the utmost authority of military matters within Celia’nor and commands all the military forces under the banner of Celia’nor. They are to be addressed as Mordu’lar at all times and their word is absolute.


ANEH-WY / ANEH-WHY: Selected by the Mordu’lar, must be a Parir.
The Aneh’wy is the Mordu’lar’s right hand and serves as a director within the Celia’Diraar. They are tasked with coordinating operations, organizing training sessions, patrols, addressing issues unique to the Diraar, and preparing the Parir for tasks that they may be assigned.
They are responsible for being in constant contact with the Mordu’lar, instructing him of the status and reporting to him directly should matters of interest arise.


PARIR: Selected by the Mordul’lar, must be a Dion’sil or above.
is the rank given to the officers within the Celia’diraar responsible for carrying out the tasks and orders from the Aneh’. They are also expected to host training and patrols around the city and have the authority to promote the Fiyem. They may also enact justice on those within the Realm who break the laws and need to suffer the consequences of their acts.


PERN'SEW: 500 Tilru with the assent of the Mordu’lar
The Pern’sew is the highest rank a member of the Celia’diraar can achieve before being promoted to an officer. Being a Pern’sew denotes a member of the diraar as of one the most elite warriors in Celia’norian society. Pern’sews are typically first picks to fill new officer ranks and are often assigned to lead the vanguard of Celia’nor in battle.


OKAR'SOHAE: 300 Tilru with the assent of the Mordu’lar

The Okar’sohae are one of the most senior veterans within the Celia’diraar. Despite not being officers, they’ve spent years within the military and their rank commands the utmost respect from those below them. They’re often tasked with leading patrols or hosting minor training for the greater Celia’diraar. Many consider the Okar’sohae a midterm rank, as they’re the lower pool the Mordu’lar and Aneh-wy pull from when choosing new Parirs.


DION’SIL: 150 Tilru
The Dionsil are veteran warriors within the Celia'diraar who have proven their combat prowess and dedication. They have distinguished themselves through time served within the Celia'diraar and are expected to assist the Okar'sahae in training, enforcing officer orders, and keeping lower-ranking soldiers in good order.


DIRAAR: 50 Tilru
The Diraar are the regular troops within the Celia'diraar who are trusted to police the city and outlying areas, and apprehend criminals within the borders. They have shown their worth as soldiers and are trusted on the battlefield, these troops take orders from the Parir and Aneh’wy as well as the occasional direct order from the Mordu’lar. They can also give basic orders to the Fiyem.


FIYEM: 0 Tilru
The Fiyem are recruits - both magi and non-magi - who have just enlisted within the Celia'diraar and are thus the lowest rank of the Celia’diraar. They are often given the duties of simple guarding within the city and gate duty as well as following the lead of their superiors in more complicated situations. Once they take on Atheleons Mark they will need to continue to serve and prove their worth to eventually be promoted to the rank of Diraar or Seth'eyr.




The Seth'eyr is a distinguished title within the Celia'Diraar, signifying the knowledge of the art of magic. This title stands alone, identifying those who excel in magery and are prepared for combat. Seth'eyr members advance through the usual ranks. They have shown their worth as soldiers and are trusted on the battlefield.


TIR’ID WALEH: Reservists and combat trained civilians
Within the ranks of the Tir’id Waleh one can find individuals who are willing to join the Celia'diraar on the battlefield to keep those safe, who risk theirs to protect the interests of Royarch and Nation however do not directly want to join the Celia’diraar.

They are not obligated to get Atheleons Mark, nor do they need to speak the same oath as the Celia’diraar. They will however be forced to pledge a different version, swearing loyalty and to preserve the life of the Celia’diraar to the best of their abilities. They also need to finish a training in basic hand to hand and sword combat, so they are able to fend off any foe on the battlefield if forced to do so.





The Tilru System seeks to highlight the responsibilities and duties that any member of the Celia’diraar may undertake. Each responsibility or duty has a select amount of ‘Tilru’ allotted to it which can be used as a tool of measurement for the Mordu’lar and Aneh-wy to determine when a Diradi should be promoted. In addition to gaining ‘Tilru’, members of the Celia’diraar may lose it for poor performances, traitorous activities, and other behaviors that are unbecoming of a member of Celia’norian society.



Gate Duty:
5 Tilru per hour (Max 2 hours a day)

Patrolling Inside the City Walls:
5 Tilru per hour (Max 2 hours a day)

Testing for darkspawn:
5 Tilru (Max 4 a day)

Completing Assignments:
5 Tilru

Saving the Life of a Celia’norian:
5 Tilru

Attending a Mining Trip or outside patrol:
5 Tilru

Guarding Events:
10 Tilru

Attending the Celia’Diraar address:
10 Tilru

Winning a Tournament Hosted by any Nation:
15 Tilru

Attending an Official Celia’diraar Training:
15 Tilru


Recruiting a non ‘Mali into the Diraar:
5 Tilru

Recruiting a ‘Mali into the Diraar:
15 Tilru

Recruiting an Mali‘Aheral into the Diraar: 20 Tilru

20 Tilru

30 Tilru


Failure to inform on important intel or reports:
-5 Tilru

Failure to Complete Tasks:
-10  Tilru

Consistent Loss of Celia’diraar Equipment:
 -10 Tilru

Cause of a Military Disaster:
 -20 Tilru

Failure to Comply with OSHA Regulations:
-20 Tilru

-30 Tilru

Harassment/Assault of Citizens without cause:
-30 Tilru

Harassment/Assault of Fellow Soldiers without cause:
-50 Tilru

Failure to Comply with Orders:
-50 Tilru Subject to Court-Martial

-100 Tilru | Subject to IMMEDIATE Court-Martial



The Honourable Mathi Lensul’em, Evarir of the Lensul’em Talonnii, Aneh’why of the Celia’Diraar, councilor and treasurer in the Principality of Celia’nor, Fort commander of Acaele’siimah and the similar named 4th teluan.



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