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A Concerned Outsider's View of this War

Ryfin Chany

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The following is an extended copy of a message responding to criticism of "On the Topic of War- A Vikelan Citizen":

"War is rarely just, and always bloody. I write today to speak of the war, not to mourn for it. But I have a question to anyone asking. Does Lurak's claims match their response? Let me ask all those reading this with knowledge of the war. Who. Struck. First? Who were the aggressors who stirred up such instability in the first place? Who drenched the earth with blood first? I will not give my answer, for that would disrespect Lurak, who as you know, are an honorable nation. Let me ask you, what has Vikela done that other nations haven't that justifies this war? Was it the tree? Was it the statue? Was it simply existing? But I do not speak to bring shame to Lurak, who as you know, are an honorable nation. I have also taken notice, that many who have taken the side of Lurak, who as you know, are an honorable nation, have stated their desires here to be wishing for the dissolution and death of the Vikelan people, and any who dare to show sympathy to such a dangerous nation, for Lurak as you know, are an honorable nation, who surely must have good reason to go to war."

"To those who know Vikelans, not the country, but the people in it, do you know anything those people have done to warrant such violent death and displacement? Were the reasons for conflict stated by Lurak, who as you know, is an honorable nation, so vile and inhuman that it warranted such a violent stir against the Vikelan citizenry? Other nations can surely be said to be guilty of far worse. But then, does that mean that Lurak, who as you know, is an honorable nation, will show restraint on such charges greater and more terrible than Vikela's? If so, then Lurak, who as you know, are an honorable nation, would not be so honorable as to let themselves stand still when there is war to be fought! And to those who fear the rising threat of the darkspawn in the north, who have already shown that they are not content to stay trapped in the cold, dark regions of the world, does this war not interfere with our focus on such a dangerous threat to us all?"

"To those who say they have no stake in this war, see it yourselves. Do not sit back and stay out without first truly knowing what is occurring in this war. There is rarely a war where the only people impacted are from the two nations fighting it, so let me ask the people of Aevos. Think of those who you know and care about who are impacted by this war. Think about what goods come from either nation involved, that make your days just a little bit better. Think about how such instability leads into further instability for far more people down the line. And now once again, think on the reasons given for launching this war."


"Could there really have been no other response from Lurak, who as you know, are an honorable nation, than complete and total war to annihilate Vikela? For war, as you all know, is rarely just, and always bloody. To those who are unwilling to take a stance out of fear of being alienated, you are the ones who I shall not be afraid to shame here. It is one thing to not care, but to be unwilling to take a stance purely out of the fear of how others will react is cowardice of the most unconscionable degree. Those who stand while soil turns to sand will fall for anything of importance striking them from behind. Here lies the momentous issue of total war. Shall you stand still as its fires rage around you, so close to burning yet far away enough that you choose to ignore it as it spreads? IS THIS WAR SO JUST, YOU WOULD INVITE ANOTHER?"

"But, of course, surely it would have to be, for it to be anything else would shame Lurak, who as you know, are an honorable nation. After all, the tree has been destroyed. Now their demands are only the simple ones of the destruction of all structures of Vikela, the banishment of all it's people from the southern region for one year's time, the destruction of a statue made in remembrance of a panda, reparations from Vikela and all other nations who oppose Lurak in any way, and the fall of Ubuntu. Surely these demands are not unreasonable in nature, for that would besmirch Lurak, which as you all know, are an honorable nation.  After all, if they weren't, then it wouldn't matter what you think of Vikela. If they weren't an honorable nation, Lurak would be in the wrong here. They'd be the ones starting war over issues for which war is far too egregious and devastating a solution to want unless those issues weren't the real reason for war. But surely, this isn't the case, for Lurak is an honorable nation that has not done wrong to anyone yet...right?"

(Posted this originally in the wrong topic. Reposted here)

Edited by Ryfin Chany
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((psssst, you posted the same post twice))
"One would have to be a fool to think of it as anything but war for wars sake. Many realise such, yet dont act." *Summorised the wood elf which had read thru the misive* "War to restore the jungle... yet they burn down trees and other greenery? Easy to see the way it doesnt add up. Lets just hope that the other rules take note of such, as it WONT stop on vikela. Why would it? They crave war. Thats all they want.

*Looking it up and down a few more times... chuckling quietly at the ''honorable'' Lurak being mentioned so many times* "The autor kinda looks like he is held by the greeen skins with how much irony he uses. Wouldn't be suprised with their cowardly tendency to go after none-combatants." *Having not much more to add. They simply started heading off. There was not much more to say.*

Edited by Jaslaw
added on my repply from the other post
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"Those who abhor war with mere words," a white-cloaked warpriest observed, "will be powerless to stop its injustices."

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