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For crimes against the Koyo-Kuni Shugonate


Issued from the Flower Capital of Sakura-Gakure

Year of the Oni, 187 SA (1078 Kamijikan)


The following bounties have been added to the Sakura-Gakure Bounty Board - any associates of the Shugonate in the Stratocracy’s good graces may complete these bounties in exchange for favor with the Shugo or the equivalent in mon or assets.



Description: An Oyashiman Woman formerly affiliated to the defunct state of Veletz and last seen in Celia’nor. Has no record of citizenship in Nor-Velyth or Koyo-Kuni. Has long hair, pale of skin. Does not show face amongst countrymen. The suspect is guilty of working with demons and for the suspected corruption of Lady Watanabe Akemi. 

Type: Fire/Dark
Location: N/A, Last seen in Celia’nor
WANTED: ALIVE, brought back to Sakura-Gakure for re-education camp and interrogation (executed if failed at rehabilitation)



Description: Unknown, said to be white-elf. Former Princess-Consort of Lurin. The suspect is guilty of sending her brother as an assassin to eliminate a citizen of the Shugonate, in violation of the First Treaty of Sakura-Gakure, 154 SA where she had been forgiven for previous threats of genocide against our folk.

Type: Normal/Fairy
Location: N/A
WANTED: ALIVE, brought back to Sakura-Gakure to face trial.


KATO OIJIN the Black Swordsman, Shugo of Koyo-Kuni, Governor of Sakuragakure and Protector of the Farfolk and Descendants of Ai-Zho



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holy smokes the art for daija is so good, who made it @glassyskies


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56 minutes ago, Reckless Banzai Screamer said:


Description: Unknown, said to be white-elf. Former Princess-Consort of Lurin. The suspect is guilty of sending her brother as an assassin to eliminate a citizen of the Shugonate

Juniper stares at the drawing of her, and sighs. And then, she thinks of her brother who she has not spoken to in nearly a decade. She sighs again.

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Juniper's grandmother spat her drink out as she looked at the flier, rotting jaw hanging open. "SHE LOOKS LIKE ... THAT, NOW!?"

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a sigh can be heard from very, very very far away.

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Orsamkhov the minmaxer scratched his chin at the missive, eventually penning a response.


"Dear lectors, be careful not to infringe overly on the voidal minions whom are affiliated with myself. Excessive infringement could lead to hyperwar versus the voidcels and subsequent lore arms race."


-Orsamkhov, patron of Voidcels

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2 hours ago, Reckless Banzai Screamer said:


WANTED: ALIVE, brought back to Sakura-Gakure for re-education camp and interrogation (executed if failed at rehabilitation)


"You know of her?" spoke the devil, noting their travelling companion's brief fixation on the poster.


"Just familiar," responded the former bounty hunter, as it found a place beneath a pocket under a chestplate.

Edited by madnorth
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Hesperia guffaws at the drawing of Juniper, "Yikes, no one will find her based on that, she's safe."

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6 hours ago, madnorth said:


"You know of her?" spoke the devil, noting their travelling companion's brief fixation on the poster.


"Just familiar," responded the former bounty hunter, as it found a place beneath a pocket under a chestplate.



underrated comment i wish I could give you 10 rep for that


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