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[Event] A Vacancy to be Filled


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[!] Amidst the swirling mists of an ancient battlefield, a ghostly figure emerged, its form wavering like smoke in the wind. Cloaked in tattered robes that once spoke of power and prestige, the specter’s eyes glowed with an otherworldly light. As it floated above the ground, a chilling silence fell, the air itself seeming to hold its breath.

In a voice that echoed with the whispers of forgotten souls, the ghostly figure called out,

"Hear me, mages of the void. Prove thyself,
  fill a position that hath been left vacant. I summon those whom seek to protect something like no other to a tournament, where the veil between worlds thins and the very essence of magic trembles.”


This vision and its words would reach the ears of all Voidal Mages.

This is to take place Tuesday, July 2nd @ 6PM EST. (I can possibly compensate some other times to be friendly to EU people) PM me on discord @ mayrndz  if you plan to partake or are seeking some additional information. This is apart of an ongoing event-line but a few vacancies need to be filled before I can continue forward!


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It was during his nightly meditation that the vision found the First Watcher. Upon it's conclusion, Sulieronn's cosmic eyes shot open, looking around the room he was in. "It seems I may finally have something interesting to do."

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"Hell yeah." Says Arakawa.


[OOC] I will never make it to the event's beginning due to school but I'm happy for there to be a void mage eventline

Edited by StingyParrot
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