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[Culture] The Itinerant Mage

Mr. Etan

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“He spoke of all and granted those who would listen the wisdom that would guide them to fulfillment. By the rise of the Grand Empires of the Four Brothers, the Wandering Wizard was of high renown across its denizens. The strange figure who wore tattered cloth and rag, yet toted staves of gold and books laid with precious materials, knew of many things and brought amazement to those that followed his travels.”

-Tales of the Wandering Wizard





The Way of an Itinerant Mage:


Those who desire to follow in the footsteps of the Wandering Wizard consider themselves an Itinerant Mage. Magic is not to be hoarded and kept locked away to help only a small few. It’s a powerful force founded for the purpose of descendants being able to aid others in times of strife. An Itinerant Mage follows a nomadic way of life in the pursuit of spreading their knowledge to the far reaches of the realm.


  • Dedicate oneself not to one sole place. The world is vast and ripe for exploration.


  • Offer help to those who need it. They let no race nor creed stop them when they can lend a hand with the Arcane.


  • They are the representatives of mages alike. Itinerant mages would be respectful where they can and not lay destruction where they walk.


  • Voidal Magic should only be used for protection of oneself or others. To focus on the destructive potency of it is to stray from their path.


  • They are one of the few with the power to not only make an effort in the world but also protect the veil where it needs most. Ensure its integrity. 


  • Total dedication to their craft; Itinerant Mages are often too invested in the Void to study other forms of magic.


To break this way of life is to bring shame upon oneself. One may live and thrive in a nation they call home, but it's important to wander the realm and be available to guide where you can.


Cultural Attire of an Itinerant Mage:


A mage following the footsteps of the Wandering Wizard would do their best to be an utmost representative of a mage’s fashion. Often to dictate their dedication to the craft, they would wear the following:


  • A mage hat of their choice. A wide brimmed hat with a point at the tip is a sole indication of their craft. They customize it with the color that best represents them, as well as adding fun little baubles if they wish to.


  • A fine garment, color coded to their choice. They would ensure its fit for the road and visits across the land: From the courts of kingdoms of man to the forests of Malin. The outfit should be unique and represent the individual.


  • No Itinerant Mage is ready without their Arch-Staff. They always ensure the staff is in well working condition and ready to aid them along the road, serving both as their walking stick and implement for casting. 


The Rite of Apprenticeship:


A follower of the Itinerant Ways doesn’t casually take on an apprentice. Instead, it’s a lifelong commitment—a dedication to passing down the profound knowledge of the Arcane. Choosing an apprentice is a weighty decision, not to be taken lightly. Under the careful guidance of the mentor, the apprentice is sculpted into an exceptional mage. The mentor imparts not only knowledge from one school of magic, but also everything that complements the apprentice’s unique repertoire. The apprentice becomes their burden and responsibility, assigning them with trials and tasks tailored to their lessons. The Apprentice must grasp not only the potency of Void magic but also the peril it poses to the world, along with the consequences that follow when magic is misused.








“You take for yourself the title of Wizard, and so I will not suffer you to claim ignorance. You know as well as any of the existence of the monstrosities of the void. As the power of the void waxes, the barrier between it and our own world wanes. Eventually, that barrier will falter, and the voidgate will open. Once it has, only the destructive magic of eld can reseal it.”

-An ancient war wizard



Unlike their benevolent counterparts, these sorcerers wield the Void not as a tool for enlightenment, but as a weapon against darkness. The Masked Itinerants harbor no illusions about their role. Their purpose is singular: to eradicate monstrosities, malevolent beings, and those who threaten innocent lives. They view magic as a means to an end—a necessary force to maintain balance. Unlike traditional Itinerant Mages, who guide and uplift, the Masked Wanderers embrace their jaded path. They recognize that sometimes creation requires destruction, and salvation demands sacrifice. 


The Veil of Masks:


Clad in concealing masks, these mages move through the world. Their faces remain hidden, shrouded in secrecy. Some say it’s a tactical choice—an advantage in the field of battle. Others believe it’s a mark of shame, a way to hide from divine judgment. The masks serve another purpose: they shield the Masked Itinerants from the prying eyes of celestial beings—the Aengul, the creator, and other cosmic entities. These mages bear the weight of their deeds alone, without divine scrutiny from their personal beliefs.


Destruction as Duty:


The Masked Wanderers wield magic with ruthless precision. Their spells are honed for combat, designed to dismantle evil. They don’t hesitate to unleash destructive forces upon their foes. They carry the burden of ending lives, knowing that their actions serve a greater purpose.


Straying from the original Path:


Among the Itinerant Mages, opinions on the Masked Wanderers diverge. Some see them as fallen brethren—once seekers of enlightenment who lost their way.  Others, however, recognize the necessity of the Masked Itinerants. They view them as guardians of the fragile balance—a grim but essential force in a world teetering on the edge.





OOC Note:

Wrote this piece during a moment of inspiration talking to @Deer__ about the wandering wizard. I wanted to make a piece of culture that is entirely optional for mages to use to build their characters off and I wanted to make one that had two sides to the same coin. Feel free to use this culture for your own characters! I'd love to see more wandering mages going around the world and making their mark and I hope perhaps this will help others be inspired to write cultures for Voidal Magic that can be picked up by anyone or even for their own special groups. Big thanks to @Vaynth and @ZenNex23 for their help writing this piece.


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