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Royal Matrimony


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Published; Upon the12th of the Grand Harvest of the year 187, amidst the Second Age











In the days to come, a joyous occasion shall commence in the Northern region, within the Kingdom of Ravenmire. A formal union, a royal wedding of His Highness, Crown Prince, Allerick Fyodor Rostova, and former Viscountess Cosima Victoria Tesmech et Martiel of Balian shall be held in the wake of God in union within Ravenmiran church


Born children of war and conflict, these two individuals began their tale within the city of Vallagne, formerly known as Petra. A chance meeting within the streets, a gathered group seeking any chance of socialization and friendship amidst the chaos which had become routine. Through the years, the two shared their ons and offs with communication as their lives forged their own paths, but ultimately intertwined some decades later. This union is forged on perseverance and a strong will, and the couple hope that friends and family will offer their prayers for such to continue as they traverse this path together.





Formal Invitations are Sent to the Following:


His Royal Majesty, Bo Rostova I, King of Ravenmire, and his royal pedigree,

His Royal Majesty, Alexander II, King of Balian and his royal pedigree,

His Apostolic Majesty, Charles II, King of Aaun, and his royal pedigree,

Her Royal Majesty, Adelia I, Queen of the Petra, and her royal pedigree,

Her Royal Majesty, Ramona de Pelear, Soberana of Hyspia, and her royal pedigree,

The Most Honorable August Benedict Temesch et Martiel and his noble pedigree,

His Grace, Henry Arthur Haverlock, Duke of Blackworth and his noble pedigree,

The Most Honorable Margrave of the Rhosmark, and the people of Rhosmark. 


Personal Invitations are Sent to the Following:


Her Royal Highness, Santana Leya de Pelear, Crown-Princess of Hyspia and her family,

Her Royal Highness, Renata Alba, Princes-Royal of Hyspia and her family,

Lady Esfir Artemesia Amador,

Lord Sigmar Var Ruthern,

Mister Avindor Divadri,

Váli Freysson Ruric, and family,

Rostova Lineage


Penned and Signed;



His Highness, Crown Prince of Ravenmire, His Holy Lordship, Allerick Fyodor Rostova,





Lady, Cosima Victoria Temesch et Martiel,










Location: Ravenmire.

(Midlands2 soulstone pillar → follow the path. Solid lines are paths, dashed are through caves.)


Date: July, 2nd at 6pm EST, In Ravenmire Church


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Esfir grinned, and marked her calendar to attend!

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Santana laid out the invitation across the dresser, peering into her table-mirror to get a better look at the faint wrinkles around her eyes.


"We're getting so old, Lu. All our friends are married, or engaged, now. It's too fast. ."


A sigh quietly followed her little monologue. 

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Renata shoved aside a stack of missives, the daily mail having been delivered via her lady-in-waiting. Most she found to be a bore, though she took note of one in particular, a wedding invitation from her friend.


The calendar was soon marked, delighted to see the upcoming nuptials - and she looked to her sleeping husband. "Surely he can watch the bebes for a few hours.."

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Gaspard groans as he rolls out of bed

"Good GOD it's late. Why am i even awake" he'd think to himself as he rubs his eyes.

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Charles II scratched his head, unsure whether or not he should attend.

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