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Hey there, it's been a bit, I stopped playing for a while cause life got busy but I've gotten it in my head I want to play some kind of simple character, preferably some lowley servant to a nobel family, a third son to some mean lord, some kind of underworld underling. Something in that vein.

I'd like to follow not lead, please let me know if you have something for me.

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If humans are your thing, I'd suggest Numendil. They've a whole recruiting part in their discord. I've got my fam there rn as Elves, so not sure if that's your thing. KaiserThoren is my discord.

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Lmao, hey Kaiser, I played Oliver Black, a Cartefian

I'd be down to play an Adunian or Elf, just want to find something simple

Lmao, hey Kaiser, I played Oliver Black, a Cartefian

I'd be down to play an Adunian or Elf, just want to find something simple

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You want to serve a mean lord do ya? I know Femurlord has put out an ad a while ago looking for inferi imp players. Not sure if it is open still but the gesture is here

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