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On Merit and Squirehood

The Knights Table

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“I Shall Not Falter”





WITH THE REFORMATION OF OUR MOST ESTEEMED ORDER, WE HAVE FOUND OURSELVES WITH AN ABUNDANCE OF ASPIRANT SQUIRES. There are far too many for all to serve, and in truth, most are not yet worthy of the honour. By decree of the Crown, a squire ought to have already conducted himself in the manner of the bogatyr. He should be proven to be glorious, of proper stock, skilled with a blade, and above all, loyal to his kingdom. 


And so, we have seen fit to look to the table of old. All aspirant squires shall present themselves before the sitting Knights of the Marian and the Crown itself. Here they shall plead their case. They are to boast of their deeds, of their good service to the Kingdom of Sigismund, and their storied lineage. Should they curry the favour of the majority of the Sers, and the blessing of the Crown, a knight may take them to squire. A Ser may have at most one squire in their service at any given time. 


No peasant, nonhuman, or foreigner shall come before the table without the prior blessing of the Crown. Know that a squire is to be honoured, as he has conducted himself with honour. But know also, he may never become a knight. The trials shall be undertaken only by the best of them, those who have faithfully accompanied their Ser in his endeavors, and covered themselves in glory.


As for those who have yet to step on the path of the bogatyr, and seek our guidance, we point once more to the past. A page is untested, and drawn from children of noble stock. He is the lowliest of aspirants, and enjoys no special prestige, for he has yet to earn it. A knight may at most three pages, and may dismiss them at any time. 






Ser Belisar var Ruthern, Knight Paramount of the Marian Order

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