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Crafting Competiton! Prize: Golemancy


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Good day my fellow Dwed. I am Briga, former clan leader of Irongut, among other things. Many of you might not know me, but I was a prominent smith in Urguan once. After a decades-long absence I don’t care to explain, I’ve returned and am looking for promising Dwarves to teach the art of Golemancy.


I struggled for a time to find a fair way to pick students, but a young Dwedlass gave me the idea to hold a crafting competition amongst our kin.


For the next four stone days, all Dwed are welcome to submit their items for judgment, with the creator of the three best items earning the opportunity to learn the obscure art of Golemancy from myself. And why not, 100 mina as well.


After the competition has concluded, I will conduct a brief interview with the victors. Unless there are any glaring issues or conflicts of interest, they will become my students.


- Briga Irongut




  • Only Dwarves may participate in the competition.
    • That’s it.


  • Entrants are not limited by medium or material, anything may be submitted. That said, they will not be judged by how impressive or rare their craft is, but on quality.
  • Enchantments and other magical items do not qualify- the submissions should reflect the talent of the crafter instead of magical prowess.



The three best entries will win 100 mina as well as the opportunity to learn Golemancy, an ic interview is required.


The deadline for submissions isThursday, July 4th at 12:00pm EST.


To participate in the competition, please post screenshots of the creation roleplay for your submission as well as the item itself in this thread, and fill out the following:


Character Name:


The submissions will be judged by myself and two anonymous judges, but keep a couple of things in mind when making your submissions:


  • Competition is not who can make the most impressive item, but the quality of their crafting roleplay and the description of their item. Rare materials will not add more to your submission.
  • Length does not equal quality.



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A young boy in the Heartlands stumbles across the notice, a spark of joy in his green eyes until he reads the requirements


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Rhorgvar Frostbeard




Crafting RP












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