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The Gold Mountain Act

Papa Rock

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21st of Sun’s Smile. Y 187 of the second age

1st of July, 2024


Gold Mountain Act



As we near the end of the construction of our new city, it is time to delve into an ambitious idea: the introduction of Clan Holds. This initiative aims to create a network of Holds across the Dwarven realm, allowing us to truly embody the reality of our title, the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. These Holds will bring prosperity to our people by enabling individual clans to deeply root their unique cultures and traditions, fostering growth throughout our lands.



The concept of Clan Holds is to provide each clan with a dedicated territory where they can cultivate their heritage and expand their influence. By doing so, we ensure that the depths of Dwarven culture thrives, enhancing the diversity and strength of our kingdom. Each Hold will serve as a beacon of clan identity, fostering pride and solidarity among its members.


To be granted land by the Crown for the establishment of a Hold, the Clan Leader must first read and sign a Census. This process will ensure that all Holds are established with the full support and commitment of their respective clans, guaranteeing their success and sustainability.


In order to support the expansion of our realm and the rise of new Holds, we must address the current state of our treasury. The construction of our new city has placed a significant strain on our financial resources, resulting in a slow recovery of our funds. To expedite this recovery and enable the funding of Clan Holds, it is imperative that we expand our treasury.


To tackle this challenge, I am proud to announce the Gold Mountain Act. This act is a grand fundraiser designed to unite the Khazadmar in a collective effort to replenish our treasury. We call upon every Dwarf to contribute, pooling our resources to explore new lands and secure territories for the establishment of Clan Holds.

The Gold Mountain Act will not only bolster our financial reserves but also strengthen the bonds of our community. By working together towards a common goal, we reaffirm our dedication to the prosperity and expansion of Urguan.


Those who contribute to the Mountain Act will be rewarded based on the amount deposited:

If none of the benefits interest the donator, they can also donate to the Gold Mountain Fund in exchange for Gold Mountain Bonds that can be used in various government related transactions. 

200+ Minas: A legendary weapon forged by the Grand King himself using ancient and revered dwarven smithing techniques, embodying the essence of our rich heritage.

350+ Minas: A prestigious Medal personally bestowed by the Grand King, with your name eternally inscribed on the illustrious Wall of Contributors to the Gold Mountain Act.

500+ Minas: All previous prestigious benefits, plus a Grand Bust Statue erected in a prominent public place in Urguan, serving as a testament to your generosity for all to see.

1000+ Minas: The esteemed Clan will be considered for the exclusive option to be granted land after meeting the Census requirements. Additionally, the clan banner will be proudly displayed within the majestic Obsidian Throne Hall.

1500+ Minas: An awe-inspiring, colossal statue will be constructed in your honor within the Lands of Urguan, a grand monument to your unparalleled generosity and contribution.

2000+ Minas: A magnificent Mundus golem of exquisite Royal craftsmanship and rare, precious stone will be meticulously created for the generous benefactor.

3000+ Minas: The donator will be able to name the region of land claimed using the donated funds. This land will be displayed on the Official map of our venerated Lands.


Grand King Ulfar Starbreaker of the Dwarven Realms

























Edited by Papa Rock
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