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King's News I

Papa Rock

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Y 187 of the second age

30th of June, 2024


King’s Decree




Urguan Roadmap Announcement for the Year

To the Khazadmar of the Dwarven Realms,

It is my duty to present to you the roadmap for Urguan for this year, encompassing important decisions and projects.

Engineering and Industrial Advancements:

Moving forward, we are pleased to announce the mobilization of a dedicated force of engineers who will spearhead our continued advancements in machinery. This year marks the commencement of a groundbreaking project: the construction of a Transportation Machine. This formidable machine will be a large container unit designed to efficiently transport forces and resources through the deep caves of our lands.

This Transportation Machine will be the first of many industrial crafts as we strive to expand our capabilities in construction and warfare. Our goal is to bolster our defenses and enhance our infrastructure, ensuring that Urguan remains a formidable and thriving realm.

Appointments and Leadership:

In conclusion, I am honored to announce several key appointments that will bolster our leadership and governance. Thumbrindal of the Elder Clan Grandaxe will assume the role of King’s Guardian, Guttrik of the Elder clan Starbreaker shall serve as Yemekar’s Pick, Alaric Grimgold as the High Preceptor, Ak-Rullaz and Rhorgvar of the Elder Clan Frostbeard will serve as Iron Barons. 

Additionally, we will soon appoint a new Lord Justiciar to further strengthen and uphold the principles of justice within our realm.

With these announcements, we set forth on a path of progress. Let us continue to work together to build a stronger, more prosperous Urguan for all Dwarves.


Grand King Ulfar Starbreaker of the Dwarven Realms





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