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A Union Takes Flight


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Germanika Personal Use RegularAD_4nXetlmkTc84FiVgHExerc7rVg11jBShvxSnYRm9nu1-JuNQ4Ut-JgA8_5Jrz6VoLiFuSE0GpeJS0e-XWx8ILyoS8YcEpUacvMzvHZVF-YAfBDwzZr5BOO3kk0ocvwi5fOQ8IO-9dsZXZe_-Ccj06xWwzJX0?key=3wCJbcc1NJ1ZEFerV7HtKA


It is with great joy that we announce the union of  Sir Konrad Fabian Stafyr and Dame Monika Aleksiya von Augusten. After many years of courtship, the couple has decided to bring themselves together into the estate of holy matrimony for close family and friends to bear witness to. The couple hopes that all invited will be able to attend!



Royal Invite:

Her Royal Majesty, Adalia I of the Petra and her royal pedigree


Familial Invites:

House of Stafyr

Haus von Augusten


Lady Feliska Sarkozic and her noble kin

His Excellency, August Temesch and his noble pedigree

Lord William Temesch and his noble pedigree

Lady Austina Varoche and her noble kin

Mister Ilya and his kin

Lady Helene-Olympe Valfleur


Personal Invites:

His Highness, Prince August of Abrana

Sir Glyndwr Glennmaer and his noble pedigree

Lady Esfir Amador

Retired and Active Knights and Squires of the Order of Saint Peter



6pm EST @ Petra Church July 9th


Germanika Personal Use Regular

Sir Konrad Fabian Stafyr

‘The Falcon’ Knight of the Order of Saint Peter


Honey Script Light


Dame Monika Aleksiya von Augusten

‘The Devoted’ Knight of the Order of Saint Peter, Warden of the Mardonlands, Keeper of the Pieridae, Hesperi Guardian


alphabetized cassette tapes

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Wilhelmina Emma, the older sister of Monika beamed with pride to hear of her sister's wedding. "Finally, all of my favorite siblings will be wed! May Monika und Konrad lead ein happy, happy life." She then turned to her son, August, from who recieved the invitation, "You will attend, ja? It would be good for you to be there und support your aunt."  @__Stal27


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3 hours ago, FireAGN said:

Wilhelmina Emma, the older sister of Monika beamed with pride to hear of her sister's wedding. "Finally, all of my favorite siblings will be wed! May Monika und Konrad lead ein happy, happy life." She then turned to her son, August, from who recieved the invitation, "You will attend, ja? It would be good for you to be there und support your aunt."  @__Stal27



"Oh, Ai, Ai." Spoke the Viscount Temesch as the invitation he had recieved was read by his mother first and foremost, the man nodded thereafter as he looked through his calender, humming briefly before he tapped his chin and nodded. "Ai, we should attend.. her great-nephews and nieces will also attend.. it is only right that we all do."

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