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On the 14th of Javier’s Justice of 109 D.R.




[!] A Hyspian funeral march.


The sun had hid away as evening came, and the last rays of light cast over the Sovereign State of Hyspia. A woman found herself within the clinic, demands pouring out for her husband - fingers curled into her cousin's own, as two lives came to be that day.



A boy and a girl.


The Lady Vania Alma Ines Solana del Maravilla was born first, showcasing her mothers fair hair and quick to follow, not one to wait, was the Lord Valentin Alonso Ramon Cyrus del Maravilla, the exact opposite to his twin in which he showcased his fathers darker hair.


It had been a joyous day to be had, despite the Princess-Royals fury at her husband missing their children's birth. Time had passed, and eventually did she come home - newborns swaddled close, only to find just why he was not there.


Carlos del Maravilla lay dead within their home. Shouts came for the guards, turning to shield her newborn's gaze - her own having taken in such a sight enough.




The del Maravilla household announces the passing of the Baron-Consort of Clemente, Carlos Lorenzo Juan del Maravilla - originally Salazar. 

He leaves behind a wife and six children, two brothers, six nephews and three nieces. 

Carlos will be dearly missed, and the household will don their mourning blacks and ask those of Hyspia and the Canonist realms to pray for them during such a time.


May DIOS bless us during this troubling time.





Her Royal Highness, Renata Alba del Maravilla,

Princess-Royal of Hyspia, Duchess of La Dorada, Baroness of Clemente, Gran Chamberlan of the Girasol Courts



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Ivacia found the missive on her way to visit Carlos, gasping as she covered her mouth. Dead? How?! She did not know. She barely knew him, but she remembered the vampire attack where she had tended to his wounds, and the festival where she dunked him in a tank of water.


She carefully folded the missive and continued on her way to Hyspia... though now, her purpose was much sadder than what she left for. She would go to say her prayers for the man and the family he left behind, and say goodbye to a friend...

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Alejandro, a brother in arms, and a friend to Carlos, raises a glass to the Salazar.

"You are gone too soon, my friend.."



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To those wondering how Carlos died it was an underlying heart condition he was unaware of, he layed down to take a nap and passed away in his sleep. I had an amazing time roleplaying as him thank you to everyone who hung out with him! you're all awesome!

                    Carlos Lorenzo Juan del Maravilla wakes up with a few blinks before realizing he wasn't home, the last thing he remembered was laying down to take a nap how did he get here? where was he? the pain in his chest was gone in fact he couldn't feel any of the pains that had plagued him before. Carlos stood there lost in thought for a moment before a familiar voice called out to him.

 "Carlos! there you are" A womans voice hummed "come over here, me and your father were waiting!" 

         That voice ever so familiar was his mother's voice, without another thought Carlos ran to her hugging his mother tight, tears now pouring down his cheeks, His father soon walks over joining the hug and giving Carlos a firm pat on the back and a nod.

"Mother! Father! I missed you both so much!" Carlos cries out

              Carlos smiles before finally realizing where he was, he takes a deep breath before looking into the distance and trying to reassure himself that his wife and family would be ok, Renata was the strongest person he knew it was one of the reasons he loved her so much, he knew she'd be fine and able to raise their children to be amazing people. Carlos kept thinking of all the time he had spent with Renata, each dance, each word, each smile he had clearly chosen the most amazing person he just hoped she had loved him as much as he loved her, he hoped she would cry for his loss even if she hadn't truly felt the same.

"Carlos, it's time to go"

                     His mother's voice interrupts his train of thought, Carlos gives a gentle nod and smiles before taking his parent's hands and walking with them into the distance, where he would wait until the day the rest of the family would join him.

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Pedro was throwing Marcello on the air when out of nowhere a guard knocks on the door and tells him the news "That's not possible!"  Pedro says after putting his son down, tears falling down from his face.

"My brother is dead!"  Pedro looks up nodding his head knowing he would be in a better place up there "I shall honor your death brother and  help Renata in any danger or situation!"  Pedro then takes a bottle from the kitchen table and fills a cup raising it to the sky "Adios one leg Hermano! Te extrañare hermano!" Pedro then tequilla and with tears falling from his eyes smilles "It was good while it lasted."


Edited by Frode
simple mistake
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1 hour ago, Frode said:

Pedro was throwing Marcello on the air when out of nowhere a guard knocks on the door and tells him the news "That's not possible!"  Pedro says after putting his son down, tears falling down from his face.

"My brother is dead!"  Pedro looks up nodding his head knowing he would be in a better place up there "I shall honor your death brother and  help Renata in any danger or situation!"  Pedro then takes a bottle from the kitchen table and fills a cup raising it to the sky "Adios one leg Hermano! Te extrañare hermano!" Pedro then tequilla and with tears falling from his eyes smilles "It was good while it lasted."



caeso art spotted


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