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Greetings, hardworking dwed of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. As your newly appointed Yemekar’s Pick, it’s my honor to assist in making meaningful changes to the financial and industrial prosperity of our Grand Kingdom


First, I’d like to offer a job opportunity to any would-be prospecting dwed. I’m looking for profit-oriented dwed to become my assistants. There’ll be a maximum of three dwed who’ll work as my foremost operators. They’ll answer to myself and the King’s Council directly and will be paid handsomely (in experience). Those interested may send me a letter or find me for a personal interview.


Secondly, for current members of Yemekar’s Workforce, I’m temporarily halting the ranking/point system previously in place by my predecessor, His Grand Kingliness, Ulfar Kazarrathsson Starbreaker. Although it is an efficient system, it is a monumental task to operate with the very few number of workforce members we have officially on record. This is effective immediately. Those who are disgruntled with the loss of their previous position may speak to me directly and we can negotiate a form of compensation or advancement within the new workforce.


Thirdly, I’d like to encourage all of you hardworking dwed to expand your shops outside the Grand Kingdom. There are only so many of us, and if we all keep buying goods from each other, we’d just be spreading the same minae repeatedly. Prospecting outwards will bring in more customers, which brings in more purchases, which brings in more profit. It’s simple economics!


Finally, if he hasn't mentioned already- His Grand Kingliness, Ulfar Kazarrathsson Starbreaker, is searching for those who are interested to assist with an industrial project to benefit our people. If you would like to help, speak with either me or the Grand King himself. 


If anyone has qualms with these recent changes, feel free to send me hate-mail or talk to me directly. Let’s hope we have a profitable next few years!


Decreed by, 

Guttrik Jedediahsson Starbreaker

Yemekar’s Pick of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, yada-yada-yada, etc.

Edited by siglms_
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