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Shadows of the Moon Mother

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           There have been rumors in the realm of descendants.

                   Distant whispers on the wind of those bold enough to utter them...







 A soft muttering of shadowy figures in the bushes. Bright glowing eyes in the moonlight. All who see them either too scared to mention or too dead to speak. 

 Long ago when the Kharajyr clans ran 'freely' in the world, whether it was during the dark ages or in the land of Anthos; there began a devious work. Details of their creation as vague as the deeds they have done. It is only known the stealthiest and intelligent of Kha were trained and tasked with a great undertaking. Where some would seek glory in honorable combat on the battlefield- the Shadows would be the frontline of the backline. To sow fear in the hearts of those that seek ill will upon Metztli's fine creations. To combat thieves and hidden foes. For the Moon Mother.

 In the shadows they wander. Making homes in the darkness and becoming one with the night. A guild. A forgotten clan perhaps. All the same ancient in its rituals and tactics. They deceive, defile and frighten for the good of their most sacred divine creator.

 Etched in wooden signs, the bark of trees and even the stone pathways across the lands where Kha may witness a call to arms had once again come. As they flocked together to the new city the guild offered service.

 A symbol with ink so dark that it was only truly visible in the moon's benevolent glow.

And a phrase...




                                 'In the night, we bring death.'


                  'Come to the magic town across from the Blue and White City.


                                    To join or seek work done.


                                      The fountain beckons.'


                                            'H. L. S.'


Edited by The Blind Dwarf
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The dark elven child looked at the symbol etched into the wooden sign. blinking softly before rubbing his nose and turning to continue on with his day

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