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Everything posted by alhawk

  1. alhawk


    Feven cant recall his childhood parents, he was taken in at a very young age by a wealthy merchant. Feven’s parents abandoned him at young age. This merchant became a father figure, his name was Galar. He’d take Feven to church and build him a support system with in the confines of the church. Fevens mentor knew he him self couldnt raise a child alone. The Church Of canon helped root Feven in their core values. Feven was entranced by the daily life a merchant. Even though he enjoyed art and hard work. Galar also taught Feven how to become a merchant him self, but in an interesting way, feven asked what it takes to be a merchant, he was put to work in caravans and did all what was required to help out. He eventually demanded to become a merchant him self. Galar gave Feven a pair of slacks to sell, Galar told feven he was only allowed back if he sold the slacks at a astronomically high price. The slacks were extremely high quality and could really only be bought by wealthy citizen. Feven set off to get his first sale, he struggles every day but he keeps at it.
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