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  1. Partypig


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  2. Partypig


    Sebastian and his sister both grew up orphans in the city of Curon. They were adopted by the church, and had an orderly upbringing. They were extremely devoted to their religion, and would serve the church throughout their childhood. As Sebastian grew older, he slowly began to drift away from his beliefs that were once so firm. He made friends with locals, and was highly influenced by their way of life. Sebastian’s sister on the other hand, Melony would remain devoted to her faith. By the age of eighteen, she had fallen in love with a city guard; Jakob. By nineteen, she fell pregnant. Melony and Jakob lived in poverty, they could not afford to raise a child in the tough conditions, and although arguing frequently they kept this from Sebastian and their close friends. One frosty night in late december, Melony, Jakob and Sebastian were at their local inn celebrating the past year. Jakob was intoxicated, and short tempered - and after several drinks an argument broke out between him and Melony. Storming out of the inn, Melony chased after Jakob. Shortly behind followed Sebastian. However, by the time he made it outside it was too late - Jakob had pierced his dagger into Melony’s sternum. Melony lay there, choking on her own blood in Sebastian’s arms. He would watch his beloved sister and her unborn baby perish. The following day, Sebastian packed his belongings and left the city of Curon - in search of his sister's murderer. Jakob would meet his end, Sebastian would get his vengeance.
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