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  • Character Name
    Magnus Corbeau
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  1. Haydeth


    Magnus is the eldest son of Étienne Maurice Corbeau and Lucille Corbeau, a family hailing from the town of Gallowsgrave in the fallen lands of Relouria. Born into a long line of executioners and justiciars, he knows the most impartial judge is swift, cold steel, and tends to express that sentiment openly. While he had a decent childhood by all standards, few would call it a truly good one, or even a normal one. Surrounded by mantras and constant reminders of the inevitability of the cold embrace of Death, Magnus grew up quickly. He choose to forgo the comforts typically associated with childhood, leaving toys and childhood friends behind in favor of studying the blade and the law. He comes off as cold, distant, and has trouble feeling sympathy for people that fail to meet the standards of his moral compass, and his tight lip around strangers makes him appear even more stoic, though a drink or two will allow him to take down some of his social shields and release his sharp tongue. He also values the balance of a favor, and always seeks to repay those who have done right by him.
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