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  • Character Name
    Vard Denith
  • Character Race
    Human (Highlander, Norland)

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  1. Nyag


    Hey you know my fault is being nosy right?
  2. Nyag


    Vard hails from the city of Nordengrad, his life there was sound. Always hunting in the outside young capital of his people, but of course he is trying to find his own self in the red faith and through out his teenage years he starts grow more curious about the world outside. The tales he hears of all the other lands outside of The settlement of Dunharrow causes him to reach out to books and he begins to learn to read from an elf that visits the city every month to trade with the people of Norland. He eventually comes about a book with the different stories of magi, at first he thinks it is a temptation with his people’s shunning nature about magic but more he hears about it’s power he starts to question if this is his “Be what you are.”. He talks to his father about his role in life is study the arcane but his father is not so keen on him learning about it and forbids him from trying to read anymore books. Of course Vard does not listen and sneaks away in the night taking a boat at the age of Eighteen, hiding amongst the cargo inside a barrel to the land of Haense This is where his journey begins and his quest for a Wizard to teach him begins. DESCRIPTION Height: 6”1 Feet Hair Color: Brown Skin: Has a very light brown color Eyes: Dark Brown Body: Not totally skinny and is pretty fit for his age Age: 18 Gender: Male Birth date : 1698, Sun’s Smile beginner skills: Longsword: Novice Bow: Adept Magic: None GEAR before Vard left for Haense he took his father’s Longsword, Vard’s own bow and arrows (starting with sixteen arrows), and his favourite book “Legend of Wizards.”. He only has two gold coins and a satchel to carry his book and money, a quiver for his arrows, and a sheathe that is a low quality leather strip made by Vard after his second kill as a hunter. PERSONALITY Vard is a very curious person about the world and sometimes all that curiosity turns into being a huge nosy person. He also has a strong sense of self from him always trying to discover more about him self due to his faith in The Red Faith. He subconsciously likes being independent, in so he has a strong confidence in himself and has the potential to be a leader. However time will tell if he can unlock that trait
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