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About Xulotl

  • Birthday 11/05/2001

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    The Netherlands
  • Interests
    Reading, Gaming, Hanging out with friends.

Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Bofar Khedmorin
  • Character Race
    Forest Dwarf

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  1. Xulotl


    Bofar Khedmorin is a 93-year-old forest Dwedmar beardling. He is a beginning architect/mechanic who enjoys reading ancient history books. Books that he likes the most are from the Wandering Wizard’s Chronicles. Even though a lot of people are skeptical about the Chronicles Bofar believes there is some truth behind them even if they are books full of trickery. Bofar is creative and intelligent, but can also be very lazy and a bit selfish. Like most of the dwarfs, Bofar believes in The Brathmordakin. Bofar worships The Lore Master, Ogradhad. He serves Ogradhad very faithfully and Bofar hopes that Ogradhad will bid high on him. This young male Dwedmar was born in 1624 in Axios with both of his parents. He started studying architecture/mechanics at a young age because his father was a mechanic and his mother was an architect. He was very fond of learning from his parents, and he loved them with all of his heart. Sadly, both of his parents died when their home was raided by bandits and only Bofar survived the raid. After the death of his parents, he traveled to The Under-Realm of Urguan, in Arcas, to learn more about this mystical world. There he joined Klazrel ur da Nerroth, an engineering guild, where he learned even more about mechanics and became more skilled. Now he is traveling again searching for a new purpose in life.
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