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Everything posted by 0_0Timato0_0

  1. 0_0Timato0_0


    Jhin grew up in the forests of the now Dominion of Malin, Caras Eldar. His parents, residents of what was formerly Laureh’lin, orphaned him off to the forest. There Jhin spent a majority of his time. Experiencing not only the beauty, but wildness of nature. It’s untamed existence breathed life into Jhin’s morality. He learned not to hold darkness towards the acts of nature. The acts of the wild. As to him he it seemed all to be works of art. From that point on, Jhin grew up a traveler, learning much of different cultures. All while doing as he pleased. The people he’d harm, the joy he’d bring, the confusion, and mystery of his mask. Jhin had little education, being for the most part a mute. However one thing he did love to indulge in, was poetry. It allowed him to properly express the wonders he saw within the world. Often taking time to write of his favorite people, or places he’s visited. Traveling the forest, Jhin met a lot of mentors which pitied him. Teaching him how to hunt, or fish. Though none were willing to take him in. Jhin didn’t mind though. All he cared about was continuing the works of art nature brings. Little did he know his adventure would soon come to a halt, when the Dominion of Malin being formed.
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