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  1. Frowny


    From birth Jangles was orphaned, Her parents were nowhere to be found and no sign of them was left behind thus she was raised by humans who lived a rather nomadic lifestyle and as one could imagine due to being an elf she usually outlived her current caretakers since they were way up in their years when they took her in as a babe however she was well known and often treated as a daughter to all the other humans who traveled with her that had many years a head of them unlike her original pair human caretakers. “She’s a pleasure to have around and is an extremely kind and peaceful person, She probably wont hesitate to help you out if you ask her.” – Traveling Elder. These days since becoming an ‘adult’ elf she’s been in search of a place she fits in, A place she can call her own community and possibly even establish a little garden shop. She enjoys collecting souvenirs and trinkets from her travels and could probably end up in possession in some super important items by accident though if pointed out and asked nicely she’ll probably just give it back. She has next to no combat experience (not that she’d resort to violence) and often entrust her golden tongue to get her out of most sticky situations with simple conversation. Would make a great assistant to any budding adventurer or merchant. Though currently she resides in the Kingdom of Curonia and just enjoys learning more about other races cultures and traditions, A melting pot is very much her natural habitat as she was practically tossed in one since birth, Some would say her habits and culture are more human due to her upbringing rather than elvish. If one needed to find her they’re most likely to find her at Sutica and likes taking strolls through the water district and probably gives out flower crowns to anyone willing to accept them. She wants to look into how she could learn Perennial Conjuration, Since it would be the ideal magic to know if she were to achieve her garden shop dreams.
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