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  1. Sedna


    Like most bastard children, Sedna always had a hard time knowing who he was. Sedna had a single mother growing up and an unnamed father (who he would try time after time to find). His mother worked in the Citadel which made their living rather luxurious. Sedna was an above average looking elf with an above average intelligence. He was always most interested in geography and would often dream of exploring all of Arcas. One night when he was 9 years old he snuck out of the citadel and made an attempt to navigate to the cloud temple (An incredibly long journey). He barely made it more than a mile before he decided to turn back. Being dark and in the middle of a blizzard, he was unable to navigate his way back to the citadel and was found 2 days later by passing Mali’Fenn soldiers. This traumatized and made his dream of becoming an explorer and geographer more unrealistic. In his coming years he was a bit more troubled, frustrated with the lack of literature available to the general populous, he made attempts to steal the small amount of literature in the citadel. He was mostly unsuccessful and never retrieved any actual literature, though he was never caught. Joining the Mali’Fenn military right at the age of 15 (in hopes it would inspire him to explore again) he was a very quick learning in hand to hand combat. This is also where he learned of magic. He was mainly taught how to avoid it and how Snow elves weren't very adaptable to magic. This made his want to explore the possibility of being a mage but his instructors insisted that this newfound obsession with magic was not for him. He decided to resign from the military training at age 18. He studied geography for a few years as well as working as a tutor for below average military students for hand to hand combat. Around age 20, his mother died on a journey through the tundra, with mysterious circumstances Sedna was upset that there was no attention called to it. One night, roughly 2 months before his 21st birthday, he put on his warmest clothes, grabbed a high quality backpack (As if a snow elf would own something cheap) and made his way out of the citadel and tundra without a trace. Needing something new and a purpose in life, Sedna now searches for a magical teacher in hopes that one day he can master it. Sedna knows that Mali’Fenn aren't meant for magic, but a purpose is something he needs.
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