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    I AM HERE#9647
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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Pim Dolvac
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  1. bluegreenhightops


    Pim Dolvac comes from the town Rodenburg; having been raised by his mother, and older sisters after his father was killed in The War of Two Emperors. Growing up with no prominent male figure to guide Pim, he became well versed in cooking, and gardening. Often teased for his more feminine interests and skills he was estranged from the other boys in town. Pim took up fishing, as it was a task that could easily be done alone. As Pim grew into his late teenage years he became accustomed to being alone with his thoughts. Especially after his two older sisters married and went to live with their respective husbands. He and his mother were never very close, he often blamed her for him being bullied as he was forced to wear his sisters hand-me-downs. After a fire ruined most of the towns crop fields, his mother was left severely burned and without a proper job; He became the main source of income, and gained a bit of notoriety in the town as his small fishing hobby turned into a proper career. Due to Pim having always been trapped in his own head, he had few friends, and even less romantic interests. This never bothered him as when he isn't working he is writing and reading about the kingdoms and lands around him. Wishing that someday he could travel and see Aegrothond, the city he had heard so much about and longed to learn more. One night his mother fell ill, and he saw this as a chance at true freedom and no more bonds dragging him down. He made a concoction of witch hazel tea, a dash of poison used for keeping pests out of the garden. Feigning innocence and helpfulness, Pim gave his mother the tea. He left the room and packed his bag, the next morning without even batting an eye he confirmed his mothers death and set off for his travels.
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