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    Norman de normie
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  1. Quick_Meme


    Norman De-Normie is a traveling bard from the highlands, although he is a baker by trade. Norman can trace his family lineage back to a baker from the city of Seahelm, who died during the Third Rurikid Uprising. He spent most of his early years learning the family trade of baking, although he would of much rather spend his time playing the lute. Normans parents died during a trip to attend a wedding in Ves when he was 17. Norman inherited the family bakery and ran it for a few years. He spent his mornings baking, and his evenings playing sweet melodies on his lute in the local tavern. Until one day while Norman was cleaning the Bakery he found a old box hidden beneath a floor board. Peaking his interest Norman opened the box and found a single recipe for a loaf of bead title “The De-Normoui Special”. Norman spent days trying to decipher what the cryptic ingredients meant, and he spent months trying to acquire them. It took about a week for Norman to prepare his kitchen to make the Loaf. The recipe called for the oven to stay a unrealistically hot, and Norman didn’t notice a stray ember staring a fire in the kitchen. Before he could react the whole bakery was engulfed in flames. All he could save was his lute and the cloths on his back. He quickly scratched what recipes he could remember into his lute, and with nowhere else to go when to the tavern to forget them. Norman started to wander from tavern to tavern looking to play his lute for anyone who would buy him a drink. Because of this Norman cant remember as many nights as he would like to admit, and is more often then not surprised by the places he wakes up in the morning. During a week long drunken stupor Norman miraculously found himself at the gates of Elcihi’fenn. As he stumped closer to the beautiful Elvin city the only thing to pass through Norman’s drunk mind was “I dunnt like dat guards faces, he has to many faces”. After briefly shouting incoherent obscenities at the confused guard Norman stumbled back into the wilderness. Eventually Norman woke up hungover with a strange elf hunched over him, his lute in a snow bank, and three coins in his pocket. He was also wearing a fancy coat, but he couldn’t remember where he gotten All that he know was the name Damian stitched into its back.
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