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Everything posted by JacKAdairMull

  1. JacKAdairMull


    My father went off to find the elves because he believed he was meant to be with them was lost trying to find them. When i was 5, My mother went looking for his body when more orcs got after her but a group of elves saved her and took her in, i havent seen her since. My mother and father weren’t part of the same religion odly enough, my mother was part of the church of canon, and father part of the Red Faith. It didnt affect me much growing up though since i was so young. I dont have an opinion on the religion, some people dislike me for it but i’m just living my life. We lived in Imperium Renatum and that was a great place to grow up, cant imagine living anywhere else. Positive (Great in combat) Neutral (im a good talker but awkward sometimes) Negative (im deathly afraid of traveling because of what happened to my father)
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