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Everything posted by Asteros

  1. Asteros


    I have taken a skin from the archive and made 2 simple modifications to it as i felt it was close enough to what i had imagined. I am finding it troubling to add lore though as the human wiki really only talks about kings and my character is supposed to be a nobody who isnt related to any royalty. I will try my best to find more to add though. Thank You.
  2. Asteros


    SoulReapingWolf 2 things I would like to address. 1. I cannot expand the description of my character because of the 150 character limit. (This recent change I've done the best of my ability to do what you asked.) 2. I am not some skin genius. That skin took an hour as is, though I will try to use a template and edit it to my liking and be similar to what I posted. The skin creator I used was only able to have multiple layers but they appeared on the same layer as eachother and I couldn't do much aside from make the base layer. I appreciate the staff for not denying applications immediately and giving people a chance of redemption and I appreciate you for taking the time to write all of this. I give my respect. Regards, Asteros
  3. Asteros


    An Arrogant, Caring person who always fights for what he believes in and to protect the ones he loves. He takes time to analyze situations calmly and comes up with a strategy swiftly. He does this to offset him being not very physically strong. His Father was taken from him when he was at the age of 7. His Mother died shortly after he was born. Both of his parents were quite the opposite of him aside from strength. His Father claimed countless times to have killed multiple dragons with only a sword. He never saw a dragon before. He died after some drunk guy slit his throat. Quincy Asteros hated his Father and hid out in the mountains outside of Curon (or inside because im not sure how large Curon is.). He avoids fighting whenever possible. He has almost no sense of humor. He is a Heartlander but he doesn't like the urban place of Curon and he doesn’t have any money so he had to hunt to stay alive, popping in once or twice to steal some arrows for his bow. His Father tried to force religion onto him. He got the choice out of most religions practiced by the Humans, but he denied all of them because he felt that religion was useless if we are meaningless lifeforms trying to escape the imminent death we all face. Quincy always looks at the bigger picture of life even if he's in the heat of a battle. Quincy is a part of the Asteros clan which practice rituals that supposedly extend their life. Some Asteros clan members have supposedly lived past the 150 mark, even though they are just rumors and aren’t documented anywhere, not even in any of their own history books. The Asteros clan are known for being extremely healthy and very tall for humans. Some have supposedly reached 7ft by the end of their life, though again never documented anywhere and is just talk inside of the clan. They might look strong but are very weak and most of their power come from their mind. Not many people know about the Asteros clan because they are nobodies. None of them have ever had a job in a castle, and some never have even stepped inside a castle before.
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