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  1. Black


    Born in the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, exactly in Reza, Rulik never knew his parents, he was abandoned from a very young age and has spent his life since he has memory from house to house until the 6 years that he was expelled from the orphanage, in a day like any other he was looking for food to be able to survive when he met a girl, they spent talking to him until Rulik's gut sounded the girl invited him to eat at his house, he accepted but feared to be a nuisance, upon arrival at home he realized that she was a noble, when he entered the house he met his parents, they liked him very much and Rulik also liked his parents so well that they adopted him. So 7 years passed in which he spent playing with his now sister and training with the sword, but a fateful day came, the day began like any other for Rulik, breakfast, took a shower and went to his training already by the late when he was close to home he saw that it was burning when he managed to get to the house he only saw a silhouette that looked at him for a moment, he ran into the house to see if there was anyone alive the first thing he saw was his mother, he approached and he said "go out of town, explore, get strong and don't forget one thing we will always be in your heart" his eyes closed and he didn't open them again, Rulik ran away from the house while he cried, ran and ran until I reach Reza's door, I look back and leave. Since that time he has been exploring the world and learning everything he could, every day he became stronger so he could avenge the death of his family, that's why he was 6 years old.
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