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  • Character Name
    Rosa Willow
  • Character Race
    wood elf

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  1. LullabyRosa


    Rosa Willow was born in Princedom of Fenn like any other baby there. She had a loving family and friends, but her very protective family. Rosa was the youngest but also the weakest because she always got sick for some odd reason, when she was a child. Later on in her life when she was young, her mother sadly passed away from a fire. Rosa grown silent after what happened and was left in the care of her father, her three older brothers and one sister. Her family never let her outside of they’re reach, while she was growing up and she hardly had any social interaction out of fear she might not fit in. she never learned how to fight and so she also refuses to fight. The only thing she knows how to do is make a little bit of medicine and food that she learned for her elder sister. When Rosa was still growing up and playing outside, there was something on back her sister noticed. There was an odd bruise or black mark on Rosa’s back that started to grow little by little, but she thought nothing of it and was just birthmark so she left it alone. Until the day that she finally got sick once again and the mark kept growing. Rosa was in bad shape and since her family didn’t live in the inner city her father her outside the house to the nearest doctor and only prayed Wyrvun,Rosa got better in do time but she had to take medicine from now on too keep the mark from getting worst. When Rosa turned Finally 19, she was able to look around to seek out what she was messing in her life, but must keep in touch with her family at all costs and make sure she took her medicine, So off she went to see the world.
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