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About PinkBeanie

  • Birthday 09/01/2003

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    Not Telling
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  • Interests
    Pen & Paper, Drawing, Rollerskating? Breathing? Playing videogames.

Character Profile

  • Character Name
    River Aldovich
  • Character Race
    Snow Elf

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  1. PinkBeanie


    River was born to a richer family, in the princedom of Fenn. Her family line was well known in the military for producing many great warriors, and where directly a part of the Grand Council. She generally had more interest in intellectual pursuits than martial ones, and wasn’t overly eager to become a soldier. But her parents wanted her to do it, and forbid her from studying magic. Her entire family were soldiers, so she wasn’t going to disappoint them. When River turned 16, she joined the Ivae’fenn. She served there for four years, and she was quite good at it. . She fell in love with someone while serving, an elf by the name of Swallow Burdenwelt. During an ambush, her and her garrison got absolutely destroyed. In the fight, she saw her love die right in front of her. This left a mark on her, and she never came back to the Ivae’fenn. She went home to her house, and with a tear in her eye, she started packing her things. She knew that her parents would try to get her back in the military, so she decided to leave and go out on her own. She left her home and fled the country, travelling to the human nations in search of a new life. She has been surviving on the kindness of others for a while now. She can read, has been educated in multiple high class military schools, and knows a fair amount of history and lore. During her travels, she stayed with a tribe of orcs. There she learnt of their religion, and abandoned her old religion for the new one. She know believes in spirits, and that there is a spirit for every thing or idea. Eventually, they parted ways, but she still remembers some of her old comrades from there. After travelling for a long time, she decided to try her luck. She travelled to the cloud temple, hoping to catch her breath, and find out where she would go next. She has seen many walks of life, and now she hopes to begin her own.
  2. PinkBeanie


    He was raised by a group of orcs travelling through the desert. From the beginning he wasn’t very good with weapons or fighting, often staying back in camp while the others went hunting. There, he would read books, that the tribe had picked up on the way. At some point, the tribe leader got tired of him, since he couldn’t help out the tribe in the way they wanted him too. They left him to die in the wilderness, and he never saw them again. He made it to a nearby city, attempted to establish himself as a scholar, but with little success. He eventually decided to live a nomadic life. He travels from settlement to settlement, picking up bits and bobs, aswell as knowledge, along the way. He has met many orcs on his way, but they do not interest him. He believes their focus on strength above all and “Might makes right”, blocks their own progress. He loves talking to “intellectuals”, who value the pursuit of knowledge and progress as much as he does. He hasn’t gotten an education, but has learnt to read on his own. Regardin the future, he continues to search for knowledge, travelling from place to place, and hoping to make some friends a long the way.
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