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Everything posted by WhyTho

  1. WhyTho


    When Aeron was young he lived on a small cottage in the mountains of Arcas. He lived a perfect life with his father, a blacksmith, and his mother until his parents were killed at age seven. He has never seen a creature like it before, the creature groaning and the smell of rotten flesh filled the room. He had only enough while running away to see a glimpse at the creatures mangled, bloody face. He first fled to the city Helena for a while, working as a apprentice of a blacksmith, was kicked out for burning the hand of his mentor with molten metal. He then moved on to after he heard of a small group of knights living near the city Ves. He enlisted in the small group of knights who went on small crusades in case they sensed the evil of the undead, like liches, boggens, and darkstalkers have sprouted up. Any of the creations of Iblee were targeted for a crusade. He was 10 when he enlisted and only left when the group disbanded of a leadership rift. The split of leadership caused the group to turn on each other, one side wanted to become mercenaries and the other wanted to keep up the tradition of being warriors of the people and Aeron was soon forced to pick a side in a fight he did not care for, but he chose tradition. The tension soon broke and it turned to open bloodshed. Aeron was out hunting at the time, when he returned to his garrison, he saw the mangled bodies of his comrades lain about. He left the garrison soon after he burned the bodies of his comrades. He know wanders the land looking for a quiet place to rest, but his secret mission is to put down evil wherever it appears, doing the job his former group could no longer accomplish.
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