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Everything posted by Ethanair

  1. Ethanair


    After his father’s death, Cornelius took over the household. He was only a boy at the time, but he did his responsibilities. He took care of his mother and 3 sisters. However, after a hunting trip in which his mother came along. It was late out and it was getting cold. It got very cold all of a sudden, like everything has stood still. He couldn’t move. As he saw this wretched beast with massive claws and thick fur emerge from the forest. It was the biggest bear he had ever seen. Cornelius watched as his mother shouted at him to run. The beast killed her in one swing of it’s arm, splattering his mother’s blood all over him. The creature took his mother away while Cornelius was frozen in fear. After what seemed like hours, Cornelius finally leaves the woods. He couldn’t return to his home after what happened. So, he grabbed what he could late at night and left, He never had an education but his father taught him how to sail a boat and how to navigate a map.That’s all he needed for now. He made a make shift raft, packed all of his belongings with him, which wasn’t much, and took off. He's a highlander, all this stuff comes naturally to him. His father, and his father's father all grew up on the same farm. Cornelius went from city to city looking for new things to discover, new things to explore but couldn’t do anything because of lack of money. He was often beat up, ridiculed, and arrested more times than he could count. Finally after escaping prison for the fourth time this month he caught wind of something incredible. Something called the The World Altar. He had never heard of it before and decided it to make it his life mission to find out where it is, and what secrets it holds. (PS: Will change my MC name in 6 days to fit)
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