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Everything posted by Meliaden

  1. Meliaden


    Born into a long line of farmers, Elisabeth spent her formative years in a quiet little village in the country. As an only-child, Elisabeth always wished to follow her father in the farming business, but it was not to be. A woman belongs in the home, not in the fields. That was what her father always used to say. But Elisabeth was not content with her situation. She had to have more. Unlike the other girls in the village, Elisabeth had been lucky enough to have been taught to read at a young age by an attentive mother. She taught Elisabeth how to read and write, as well as a patch of priestly flexio. Her mother was the daughter of a priest, having been born after the church ordinance changes which allowed members of the clergy to marry. Even then Elisabeth was not happy with her lot, she strove to perfection and in her ambition pushed away her parents. She was only a child by the time of the War of Two Emperor's. She did not witness the conflict, being on the outskirts of civilisation, but she heard the tales through hearsay. She heard of the brave defenders of Helena, defying all odds to beat back Joseph of Marna. Elisabeth wanted more with her life, not simply to live and die in the same village. Eventually, therefore, she packed her things and left. To where she did not know, but anywhere was better than that village.
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