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  1. RealDogGamer


    Krognak a direct descendant of Krug born and raised in the great city of San’Torr, Krug trained his son to be the warrior that Krug once was. Krognak had two older siblings a brother named Xonoth and a sister named Glurnok he knows he has siblings but they’re never around for him to meet them. When Krognak was eight years old he met a human named Mary, Krug didn’t approve his son friending a human but he couldn’t bare the thought of taking away his son's happiness. Krognak showed Mary the culture of orcs from teaching her how to make leather shorts to showing her the ancient language, Krognak couldn’t understand why she couldn’t lift the axe or sword but he didn’t mind, Mary had to leave but she promised that her and Krognak would meet again one day. Krognak was part of the Lur clan and he still had much to learn. Krognak wasn’t interested in any of the orc culture he wanted to go out and explore the world but Krug wouldn’t let him so he had to listen to his father. By the time Krognak was 12 he went into his father’s attic and stole his armor and sword the Deadvar and left the great city of San’Torr and was off to explore the world and see what it has to offer. Krognak was fighting off all sorts of creatures and the Deadvar sword was becoming more powerful by the swing. When he 14 he ran into the elf race and he was being annoyed by their language so he decided to kill them but something made him not do it he just couldn’t figure it out what it was, so he spent years studying everything he could from combat to geography preparing himself for any worse case scenario and being prepared in general. By the time Krognak was 18 he ran into Mary and was so happy he ran into her, together they spend their lives going on adventures and learning new cultures.
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