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  1. Grimgrar222


    Merelling was raised by a human farmer who found Merellin in the middle of a road. The farmer Lukas was a father to Merellin showing him how to fish, mine and hunt. When Merellin was a small child Lukas would teach him things like when Arcas was being migrated to most of the travelers came by boat, and how to speak with the elven Lukas always thought that Merellin is a slow learner but one day he found out that Merellin was a halfling and not a human, so he abandoned him, for years Merellin traveled to find a family that would accept him. One day 20 year old Merellin came to the devastating realisation that he had to live by himself and to do that you need money ,so he tried hunting for animals and selling the meat and being a miner, merchant and a blacksmith but none of these worked out. Merllin didn’t want to steal from people, but that was the only option. With the money he made from stealing he rented a small place in New Terriko and put the rest of the money towards education. After living in New Terriko for a while he was caught stealing and in New Terriko stealing can be punished with death. After the judge came to a conclusion that Merellin was a repeate offender he was sent to exacution. When Merellin heard this something came over him, he pushed the guards who held him in place away and started running when he was running he came to the conclusion that he would need to find some kind of guild or a party that would prevent him from making more stupid decisions. To this day Merellin is trying to find a party that would accept him and prevent him from making those stupid decisions.
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