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  1. LucasPocoyo


    Lefar grew up in current day Fenn. He was born to two loving parents who did little of note in society. His father was a simple Ivae’fenn guard who would show him the ropes as the years went on. He would teach him to how to fight with a blade, hunt with a bow, and carry himself in such a manner as not to draw attention to himself. His mother on the other hand bestowed upon him his gentle nature and taught him to listen before letting his thoughts be known. It was later when Lefar was aged 20 that he finally left the walls of the Fennic city and ventured into the world that was otherwise foreign to him. With his father at his side they would set off towards Irrinor to visit with the allies of his people. It was there in Irrinor that Lefar learned of the druids who praised the Aspects. The Mother and the Father, as well as the cycle of life and death. While intriguing for Lefar, the ways of the Wood Elves were not his own and he and his father soon left the forests to venture to the rest of the world. Like with the wood elves, Lefar realized that the world outside the walls of Fenn was not the place for him. Quite happily he returned to Fenn to be among his kin. It was there that he would spend the next dozen years, continuing to be taught by both his mother and father. Upon reaching the snow elven age of adulthood, 30, he moved out of his parents house to one of his own to start to create a life of his own. He was eager to follow in father’s steps, but as well stray from the humble life his father had led.
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