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About Michaeel

  • Birthday December 20

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  • Character Name
    Miqel Vlastos
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  1. Michaeel


    In 1721, on the southern most point of the Arcas realm, Miqel Vlastos was an only child to a single mother. While impregnated, his mother worked her days away as a merchant while his father was a hunter and gatherer. Two days before Miqel’s birth, his father was killed by an amber wolf while searching for nightsap that would be therapeutic to his wife during her painful pregnancy. After learning the news of her husband’s death, Miqel’s mother began to resent her soon to be son due to the fact that her loving husband died because of the pain Miqel was causing her. This resentment would last throughout Miqel’s childhood and would have a long term affect on how he see’s himself and everything around him. His mother would talk down to him and make him feel as though he was not worth anything. The loneliness Miqel suffered while living with his mother made him wonder about possible family members he might have. He brought his thoughts to his mother and was rejected a proper answer, which created a despairing constant state of mind. After so much, Miqel began to cope using comedy and soon found this to be a quality other people were interested in. He felt that people around him finally favored him and didn’t see him in a negative way. He also used the negativity in life as a way to build strength and fight through hard times which later helped him become a great leader, something he lacked as a child. He had many friends throughout his childhood and would constantly surround himself with people that made him feel worthier. In the final years leading up to becoming a man, Miqel’s mother falls ill and soon realizes the pain she has put upon her son. She apologizes and becomes friends with Miqel in the final weeks of her life. On the day of his mother’s passing, she gives him an appropriate answer to the question he asked her years ago. He learns that his late father has family in nearby land. After his mother is deceased, Miqel sets out to find these family members which is where his story is yet to resume.
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