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    Snow Elf

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  1. tiredkiwii


    Undirra grew up in Fenn and was taught all sorts of combat techniques from a young age, due to her parents- who were in the Ivae’fenn together- view on how necessary combat skills are. She looked up to the military forces, and played games with her friends that modeled the military and her combat training when they weren’t busy with their education. Games she played were also based on what she had learned about Malinor, because Undirra had a bit of an obsession with this nation. She spent a lot of her free time with her older sister, who was her best friend. Unfortunately, her family and citizens of Fenn taught them both that many others can be cruel, unforgiving and reckless; the war and murder that their race had gone through had an impact on Undirra and her sister. This caused the pair to become more reserved and cold. She felt slightly trapped, and after disagreeing with a lot of her home city’s beliefs, Undirra gave in. She considered joining the military, but was worried it would ruin her already crumbling personality even more. She continued to live in Fenn for many years. Some things that kept her in Fenn were the equality in the city and the religion that bonded them. She had always believed fiercely in Wyrvun. Undirra was living peacefully, feeling slightly happy, until she turned twenty. That was the turning point; when Undirra decided to move away and just travel somewhere- anywhere. She then discovered her passion for adventure and thrills. The cold bubble around Undirra that tucked her away from having to socialize was beginning to weaken. From that point on, she traveled much more and took pride in her many adventures.
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