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  1. mausy


    Growing up in Lareh'thilln an only child, Diotima was a sheltered child and gazed upon the issues plaguing Arcas from a distance. Her mother was a strict disciplinarian and teacher of the sciences; Diotima grew up looking up to her mother despite a cold relationship. Diotima’s father was often not around, a poet who developed many neuroses attempting to cope with the elven curse. Her father was looked down upon for his lowly mental illness and would spend his days wandering rambling about the myth of linear time; eventually being banished from the high city. She developed a distaste and a phobia for the violence she would frequently hear about, and spent much of her days in the Eternal library to hide away from the world. Diotima found great interest in literature regarding philosophy, morality, and aesthetics. Of particular interest to her was crafting a morality that transcended the need for faith, as Diotima saw faith as a prime driver of much bloodshed among the realms. Spending so much time in study, much of the events occurring around her were unnoticed, as she became more and more abstracted from the physical world. When word had gotten back to Diotima that her fathers carcass was found, seemingly deceased from hunger, she was quite struck by the lack of emotion she experienced. Scared that she had become so abstracted from reality that her own fathers death had little emotional impact, Diotima is now attempting to pursue a more balanced lifestyle and adapt to a social life in Lareh'thilln. Diotima wants to regain her spirit back while maintaining her scholarly works, and not be bound to a similar fate as her dad.
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