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  1. Humnhapymeal


    Orphaned from an early age due to a voidal tear incident. His parents were guards attempting to protect the city but they were slain. After his parents death he was taken to the shade marshes where he was taken in by an orphanage. Jeager was originally named Eugene Bilgewater this lead to him being constantly teased and insulted by his fellow orphans for years. He left his orphanage at age 16 taking on a new name and never looking back. Jeager has never been a man for knowing peace or settling down. He has had to steal and defend himself against the world, but that hasn't lead him to being bitter, much to the contrary he is usually a happy sort. Though he is given to his emotions. Lately he has taken a great interest in artificiery, after witnessing a demonstration while in Sutica. He has a talent for leather working and has taken to hunting to keep himself fed and housed.
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